A Weigh of Life

Hi Zoe,

Glad the funeral went ok. I agree with the advice, I think I'd just continue as usual and weigh in when you do. Whatever happens at weigh in, just keep at it. After things like that I don't tend to keep my syns too low, just continue. If I try to keep them low, I end up going off plan.

Hope you're having a good weekend and not working ??

Gail x
Fooof - have I been busy with recovering/football/work/sleep

So - you get the pleaure of almost 3 days worth of food diaries in one go:

Friday Green
Breakfast 1pm-ish - summer fruits and a low fat natural yoghurt
Lunch 4pm - two small packs of veggie sushi (1 syn), 2 ryvita sesame (Hex b)
Dinner 7.30pm - 2 x meatfree burgers (2 syns), 2 x eggs, homemade chips
Snack - Mushroon rice (2.5 syns)

Drinks - caff free diet coke, hot water and lemon, lots of tea
Milk for tea - hex a
Total syns = 5.5

I appear to have missed out a hex b completely here. I spent most of the day in bed recovering/having cramps

Saturday Extra Easy
Breakfast 10am - bacon sandwich on white (7 syns)
Lunch 2pm - Pasta in tomato sauce with quorn sausages and quorn chicken (2 syns)
Dinner 8pm - baked potato with spaghetti hoops and 2 x ryvita (Hex b). Pudding of summer fruits (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries)
Snack 4pm - A fab ice cream (4.5 syns)

Drinks - tea, caff free diet coke, diet coke

Hex A - milk in tea

Total syns - 13.5

SUNDAY Extra Easy

6am - 2 x alpen lights on way to work (6 syns)
Breakfast 8am - Ready brek and banana (Hex B and half hex a)
Lunch 12.30 - Quorn pasta (as above - 2 syns) with a massive salad.
Snack 5pm - summer fruit salad
Driving nibbles 7pm - half a melon
Dinner 9pm - Gammon steak, 2 x eggs, home made roasties

Drinks - caff free diet coke, tea (half hex a), hot water

Total syns - 6

There may be more to come as I'm still up and a bit peckish.

So that's it for past 3 days. I will do a proper diary update soon. I miss yacking away at you all

Weigh in Six - I Am Reviewing the Situation

Doh doh doh, another two bite the dust......

2lbs off girlies. Whoop whoop. Pretty chuffed with that. I know I went well overboard on the Baileys and Irish stew when I was in Dublin so was expecting a STS again. I guess last week being George's time has evened things out somewhat.

I'm over my first half stone and even though that's taken me 6 weeks it's managed to help me remain focussed. I know I'm never going to have massive weekly losses as that's just not the way my body shifts the weight. It never has been. I'm in this for the long haul and, hate to break it to you, but I'm going to be here updating the diary for at least a full year.

Of course there's no reason it should come off quickly and absolutely no reason I expect it to. I put it on gradually ounce by ounce over several years so the fact that I can even estimate that I will lose it in one year is a victory for weight loss over weight gain.

I'm now looking at 5 weeks away. The week of my big do and the reason I climbed back on the SW rollercoaster. My aim was to lose 1 stone by then. I think that's achievable IF and only if I can stay focussed. I've 6 pounds to lose.

There are a few days out in there and the fact my football team qualified for play offs has thrown a couple of extra excuses in there too as we have another long trip up north and lots of opportunity for me to fall off the wagon.


I'm thinking about getting myself a little charm to keep in my pocket. Or maybe a worry bead bracelet thing. Actually, that's probably better. A little bracelet I can add beads to for every pound I lose. Then, when I'm out and about and tempted I have a visible reminder of what I've achieved so far. Something I can touch that helps me quantify in my head the road I've travelled and the path ahead.

I might do some measurements today. Can't remember when I did my first set. It's 4 or 5 weeks ago. I think I must have shifted some.

I had some dresses arrive this morning 3 in an 18 and one in a 16. I can get in them all. One of the 18s is meant to be a fitted slinky thing and it's a tad too baggy everywhere but the bum. I'm chuffed with that too as I ordered so many thinking that there would be a couple I wouldn't squeeze in to. And I can get in the 16 BUT it is a floaty affair so I'm not taking that as a win yet.

Frocks are for a night out on Friday. Now, I won't lie to you all - I intend to get absolutely hammered. That will take about 4 vodkas though. I am such a cheap date now it shames me. 10 syns to reach drunkville. WINNING!!!

Woop! 2lb is an EXCELLENT loss! Well done you!
So pleased that you're so positive. You should make that 1 stone target with plenty to spare! As for the cheap date thing, I know that all too well... #WINNING! indeed!

It's amazing how a little bit of focus can make a huge difference. I never thought that I'd EVER have the willpower to lose this huge amount of weight, but now that I have really put my mind to it, it is a lot easier. Plus, the more I lose, the more I want to lose and the more I remain focussed. Win, win! You've been brilliant... and if you EVER feel you're falling off, post here and there will be PLENTY of people to kick you (in a nice way) back on track.
I LOVE your bracelet idea, I think that is excellent! And 2lbs off and past that first hurdle - well done. I saw your 4-0 win, nice one. Unfortunately we didn't mirror your efforts so in effect we aren't in the play offs. Outside chance, but too remote. No matter.

But yes try and stay focussed. Get a plan in for the away days. Do you drive if take train?
I'm about 50/50 with driving and taking train. We have a lot of long trips that I let the train take the strain for - anything 2-2half hours away I drive. I'm lucky that it's now becoming habit for me to prepare my days worth of food to take away and no-one mentions it so I don't feel uncomfortable. Only 3 more league fixtures left (then 2 or 3 play off games) so I get my weekends back and can try and fit in some swimming and walking.

I just sat almost 2 hours in the car on way to work in 26 degree heat. I could do with jumping in a pool right now

I love maths. I'm a little bit of a numbers freak. Should have been an accountant or a money whizz in The City.

Anyway, I just worked out that keeping my target at 150lb I am 16% of the way there. That's slightly above healthy weight for my height but think I'll end up too skinny if I go smaller. I'll wait and see.

I want to be a size 12 which I'd just started to squeeze into 8 years ago when I was 11.5 stone (ish). I still have the clothes and some of them are lovely. Can't wait.
Easter Sunday - No days off

When I started back on SW 6 weeks ago it was because I had made a pact with my boss that we'd give up cake and biscuits for Lent. I thought that if I was going to that sort effort I may as well make it as a whole regime of healthy eating.

So, today it ends. Lent is over and I can scoff all the cake in the World without feeling like I'm cheating the boss lady.

I don't want it. In all honesty I've not craved either thing once. I thought it was going to be a mental battle between me and the bakery but it hasn't been one little bit.

It's generally thought it takes 30 days to break or create a habit. Now I didn't habitually eat cake or biscuits so I've not really broken any habit it's just that if they were on offer I'd quite happily have them. So in the 45 days of Lent what I've actually done is create a new habit. One where I say no to things happily and don't feel I'm punishing myself in doing so.

Along the way I've managed to add in other good habits too. Drinking hot water and lemon every morning to detoxify. Writing down everything I ever eat and being completely honest about it. Learning not to lie to myself (or others i.e. you lot) about how happy or unhappy I am with what's going on with my weight and my feelings.

I'm also trying to start liking myself ahead of reaching target so that when I eventually get there in a year or so I'll be comfy with feeling good.

So, now I've created a few habits I need to find some more to work on over the next 30 days:

  • To get up when I wake up. I normally start checking twitter and email from bed and then stay there for the rest of the morning.
  • To actually take some exercise. I've said this several times before in earlier diaries but I have to do it. I will never reach target by just changing my eating. I will eventually plateau and probably give up
  • To do my Bingo Busters. I've been rubbish at this. I've now downloaded an app on my iPhone that is running a countdown and tells me what I have left to do before 28th May (6990 for the record)
  • To learn to walk in high heels or doing something with my leg muscles so that wearing them for more than 2 hours doesn't leave my crippled for days after

  • To smile. Often. I had my teeth whitened so I'm not ashamed of them any more. Now I just need to find happy thoughts to crack a wide one as often as possible
That's it for now. We have 11 guests coming over for our annual Easter family dinner. With the two of us that makes 13 at teh table. Very Last Supper but completely unintentional as we had some dropouts at the last minute (we usually have about 20 people!!). I've spread the word that I don't want Easter eggs this year and hopefully they're all bringing me Alpen Lights or mini eggs for my treat box. we're having a roast and we've made loads of SW puddings.

Last day off work tomorrow. I don't normally get bank holidays as on newspapers they're just any othe rworking day so I've really enjoyed having a long weekend. Not really looking forward to next weekend as it's double shift for the R*yal Wedding. Erk.

Hope you're all having a great day whether you've given yourself Easter off for chocolate or not. Stay strong girlies.

I'm bored waiting for dinner to cook and people to arrive so I thought I'd share with you my Remember to Be Sexy bracelet.

One bead for each pound I've lost so far so that whenever I'm out and the "one little treat won't hurt" crosses my mind I have a physical reminder of how well I"m doing by just saying No.


It's very basic and the colours are a bit wild for me. But, it's working so far.
I've had a very long week at work with the Royal Wedding.

I think I've got a bit lost. Very disheartened right now
Why so disheartened ?? If you haven't been able to stick to sw while you've been so busy in work don't worry too much, just try and get back into it as soon as you can remember this is a journey with ups and downs along the way, but you will get there in the end if you keep going xxx
I think we can all understand that you are disheartened. I can promise you that there probably isn't a single person here who doesn't understand that feeling. However, you can't change what you have done but you CAN change what you do from now on. As difficult as it is because you feel so negative about yourself, you have to put it behind you. You WILL definitely have more moments like this in future (I certainly do) but you have to try to dust yourself off and move on.

If you are really struggling, I would suggest

(a) just try to do one day on plan - any more than that sometimes feels a bit daunting which is when you are more likely to just say 'blow it'.

(b) drink plenty - I often don't know when I'm hungry vs thirsty so this helps and my losses seem to be a bit better when I drink a lot

(c) If necessary (this was someone elses suggestion, not mine) increase your syn allowance a little for a few days so that you can get some confidence about sticking to a plan and then gradually decrease them over whatever time period you can manage.

Big hugs Zoe. Happy to help if I can.

Gail x
I've been almost on plan today. Took my nieces and nephew to the park for a picnic in memory of my brother. We do it every year and there's about 50 of us. Home a few hours ago and just tidying up the mess. Ate two jaffa cakes in the process.

I also had a chicken leg with skin on it earlier.

Yesterday I was fine but on Friday I worked a 17 hour shift to get the paper out for the wedding and we had a street party in the office. Got loads of free food sent in and it was ALL bad. Cupcakes, muffins, gateaux. I had one cupcake, one hot cross bun and after 13 hours without a break I caved and had a big chunk of french bread with full fat cheese.

I think I'm disheartened as I'd prepared for the day knowing about the buffet food so had all my melon etc with me but instead I choose to be bad.

I collapsed in to bed after posting earlier and slept for 4 hours so I think it's all catching up on me really.

I got so many compliments today from people I see once a year.
In the past year I've probably lost 1.5 stone so they noticed it. SO I know this is working and I know that I can do it properly and not be bothered by jaffa cakes or bread n cheese.

I only have two days until weigh in though so I'm going to have to really go some in order to catch myself up. AND, I'm likely to put myself back for the possibility of reaching my target for the end of this month as well. I only had 5lb to go which was doable but if I have a put on this week I don't think I'll make it.

I need plenty of sleep and a good restock of superspeeds in the fridge and i"ll get back there.

Thank you for your kind words. They really do help

Oh, Zoe, I'm so sorry to hear you're feeling disheartened. It sounds like work has been manic, and that's enough to get on top of anyone. Just think of today or tomorrow as a new day. Start again and draw a line under the bad days. Hope you get some proper sleep, sweetheart. Things will look better and, remember, everyone here has been in a similar position with their weight loss. You are strong and you can do it. Xx
Zoe - do not berate yourself! When I used to work long days and got tired so that the blood sugars dropped, the brain disengages and it is so easy to grab something with a high sugar content to get a quick boost!
Don't be disheartened. Put the last few days to bed (like you did with the paper) and start afresh. 5lbs loss to the end of the month really is doable if you stick to plan, eat lots of superspeed fruit and drink plenty of water. I know you don't like the stuff but it really does help. Try it with low calorie squash in it - that's what I have to do as I'm not a big plain water fan either.

Go for it! It's achievable . . .
Week 8 - You Keep Me Hanging On

Well, I've not been here in a while. I've wandered by briefly but I now have a few days off so hoping to take the chance to re-focus myself and my commitment to the plan.

I had a manic week at work and being on a newspaper means it's been pretty non-stop since with the wedding and Bin Laden. Throw into the mix football on Saturday and our annual picnic in memory of my brother on Sunday and the chances to go off plan were plentiful.

I did so-so. I went majorly off plan Friday, on plan Saturday, did really well at the picnic (if you ignore nicked crisps) but when I got home I was so exhausted I ate. And ate and ate and ate. Which left me 2 days to crawl back from the edge before weigh in.

I lost 1lb.

That's okay as I'm still pretty much on target overall for the year I think it will take me to hit my overall target. My mini target of my first stone by May 28th is 3 weigh ins away and I need to lose 4lb to get there. There'll be a week with My George in there as well so I need to amazing weeks where I get 2lb each time. I think George is next week so it's a matter of wait and see.

The biggest thing to come out of being snowed under and not getting a chance to come on here is how much I've come to rely on you all. I haven't touched my food diary for a week. I've posted here less than 10 times. Your words of encouragement when I've managed to get have been great. They really do make the difference. This place is like the biggest SW class in the world.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my time off. I'm not back at work now until next Thursday. I could try the whole exercise thing and go swimming or walking. I need new jeans so I will definitely go shopping. I have a couple of very important football games so will try my hardest to avoid drinking (oh, and if you could all think really positive thoughts for my team at 7.45pm on Friday and next Wednesday I'll be really grateful).

I think the most positive step I can make towards making target and embracing the plan is sticking with you guys. So I promise that over the next 8 days I will be much more attentive to you all.

It feels good to be back.

The road to sexyville awaits

Woop woop! SO glad to see you back! Yes, life gets in the way of sticking to plan, but you see how easily you have been able to re-focus and get on track? And how, even with a few off days you still made a loss! That remaining 4lb before the end of the month is DEFINITELY doable. You just need to get back in the zone and focus really hard for a couple of weeks. You can still have fun with Your George, just keep in the back of your mind your reasons for joining in the first place. Honestly, that really helps.

Have fun with your jeans shopping! I need to go, too. I'm thinking about going this weekend (all my jeans are too big) but I'm not feeling so confident about it. What happens if I find that I haven't actually gotten smaller? Argh.

You can do it! xx
What happens if I find that I haven't actually gotten smaller? Argh.

You can do it! xx

I'm fearing this too!!! I redid my measurements last week and got half way through and gave up as I don't actually appear to be any smaller. The size 16 jeans I used to squeeze myself into are definitely baggy on me but in the back of my head I'm wondering if all that squeezing has just stretched them.

I'm off to meet my new nephew today. He's a week old (see, work even got in the way of that) and my half sister is a cake maker so I expect lots of temptation. Kind of hoping she's been so busy with with Oscar that she's not cooked a thing.