Big Bird
Yeh, they've had that xmas tree for years, dunno why it's suddenly got all the interest this year?! Although you can go inside it this year which you've never been able to do before. It wasn't too busy thank god! But we left LO with SIL for the afternoon so we didn't have to worry about the pram. Do you live up in the North west? We live in North Wales (technically only just over the border from Chester tho!) and I work in The Port so am down the oaks quite a bit. Yeh, I don't really think my issue is with my weight as such, it's with my eating habits and I'm afraid I'll never deal with them. Already I've thought to myself that things would be better if I wasn't going to SW and didn't have the pressure of a WI each week. But in reality I know that I only want to stop having a WI each week so I can eat what I want. And right now that means twixs, cadburys and cakes!!
We live in Derbyshire but husband's originally from the north west (near Northwich) so we were up visiting the in laws. They're only 30 mins from Chester, if that, so we usually end up there for a visit. Love that place!
I know how easily I can slip back too, I'm a terrible comfort eater and since my MH issues resurfaced in early pregnancy it's been a bit of a losing battle. I do feel better when I'm mostly on plan though so I have to try. I have big issues with control and food is about the only thing I can control at the moment! I know for me that I'm stuck with SW for life now, unless I have a massive change in my thinking. I keep thinking of my boy though, the last thing I want is for him to have the issues I have with food. I certainly don't want him to see me on diets all the time. But then I don't want him to have an overweight mum either! It's a toughy...