Wow where do you live? I live in exeter devon and all we have is showers.I hate it when its slippy out,always affraid of falling and breaking a bone :$
Let me know what the new Sherlock Holmes film is like James, me and sister gonna go watch it when kids back at school. She is going for her Downey Jr fix and I am going for my Jude Law fix!!! x
Well if it's any consolation for you I'm sat here stuffed to the eye balls, don't think I have ever been so full, ate way to many chips, feel like a right fat pig To be honest they wasn't even that nice, oh well best make sure I don't slack on the exercise this week now if I want a loss next week.
Not happy. My leader said its because I started exercising this week - i've gone from zero to 30mins a day - which means a weight gain? I don't understand it...
arr shame Try noy get to down, don't know how that works either saying that I had a STS a couple weeks in so might be somthing in it, here's to a loss next week if that's possible over xmas.