A whole lot of weight to shift.

Was going to go a couple months ago but since getting with Laura I never went to stay with friends, we are going early hours thursday, driving to Mojacar for a week then onto the family friends I was staying at for a few weeks. Cant wait, might gain a few in the first week, hope not but this holiday has been booked for months so not going to deprieve myself just after the week when at the friends place in Spain I will be back on track proper, she will slap me back into shape lol
wow jls you have done great on your journey and your a credit to people like me to show we can do it thankyou for sharing this good luck on the rest of your journey

I hope you and Laura have a good time in Spain :) Take your gains as a slap on the wrist and get yourself back on track when you're back from the trip.
Thanks. Had a good time apart from having to come back early Due to Laura being Ill. She is fine now tho I somehow come back with a couple pound loss. The good news ends there as since getting back a week ago I've been unto bad ways again and pigging out unto 304 at yesterday's weigh in. Then ate crap and had a car very out at night weighed in today at 309 but going to try my best now and get back on track.
you have done so well James, most of us couldn't keep to a plan for as long as you have done and lose as much as you have done, you have done such a fab job so far with turning your life around! It has to be said that pretty much all of us will fall off the wagon at times as another poster said, just keep trying to get back on track, I know it can be difficult if we temporarily don't feel in the right mind set and the majority of us that reach large start weights have issues with the use of food for emotional reasons so its no shock that at times life is going to get in the way and we find ourselves relying on that old trusty friend. Also its so common on some level many of us can self sabotage and not really realise we are doing it. I have such a mixed reaction to say losing weight, on one level I am so happy and motivated and on another level I am deeply scared of losing the body shield the weight has provided me with so its a real mixed bag, in the past I have got on the scales and seen a massive weight loss and that very same day gone on a massive food binge, sadly for many of us our relationship with food is far from black and white, its so complicated and takes a while to be able to sort it out. Em xx
Thank you it's funny I'm back again with yet another gain but I do feel I'm ready to try again and not just saying it this time!!!!! Unto 309!!!!!
hi james, sorry to hear holiday was cut short, but i am sure you both still had a nice time.

Look how much you've lost already!..i believe in you and i know just how capable you are of melting any excess once you are firmly on track..there will be no stopping you..good luck!
Started off well but slipped again. So I'm not waiting till Monday I'm starting today with a new weigh in day. So from now on its Saturday's. Today I start afresh at 311
if you are doing the Sat weigh in there are a small group of us that do the weigh in on a Sat over on the weigh in part of the forum, it would be great to see you on there each Sat as you are such an inspiration with the amount you have lost already James, Em x
I might just have a look and post in there Emma.

Had a bit of a bad day yesterday but I finally put the new exercise bike together and I did some for the first time in months and did half hour 13.7k I have had abit of quiche and chips for dinner at a play barn while out with the little one but there wasn't that many there. But I'm pleased I have finally got my arse in to gear and got back on the saddle.

Plus with the missus now being pregnant with twins I need to get as fit as possible lol
ooops was so surprised..forgot to say..

MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU BOTH!!!! :) :) :) :) :): :): :): :): :):

how exciting..when are the little bundles of joy due?

Oh James, no need to worry about losing weight with 3 little uns to run about after..you'll be slim and trim in no time :)

Sooooooooooooo happy for you both, this is the first minis relationship baby, or rather babies, i know about...Well done x