My word, what is the world coming too
I am astonished as well. Should we not support each other instead of bicker like children in a playground?
Did you never hear the saying "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all". David was looking for support and you bit his head off. I really don't think any of you can turn around and say "I haven't made a mistake either?" I have made 2 this week but the people on the exante thread didn't bite my head off, they offered support because they might have been there before themselves or else they just wanted to offer support. Give him a break, he's only human.
@ p_mcg I have also noticed the cliques around here to and all over the forum. I can fully understand your comment and agree with it. I find that because of this people are not very welcoming. If I have got that wrong I apologize. I also don't comment much for this reason.
For someone who is new to the site its not good looking at an attack on one individual. Get a grip people we are all here to lose weight and have fun or at least I am.
Gosh this is all quite scary...i'm new to this and reading threads looking for inspiration. You seem to have done well David..ignore any negative postsMx
I am astonished as well. Should we not support each other instead of bicker like children in a playground?
Did you never hear the saying "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all". David was looking for support and you bit his head off. I really don't think any of you can turn around and say "I haven't made a mistake either?" I have made 2 this week but the people on the exante thread didn't bite my head off, they offered support because they might have been there before themselves or else they just wanted to offer support. Give him a break, he's only human.
@ p_mcg I have also noticed the cliques around here to and all over the forum. I can fully understand your comment and agree with it. I find that because of this people are not very welcoming. If I have got that wrong I apologize. I also don't comment much for this reason.
For someone who is new to the site its not good looking at an attack on one individual. Get a grip people we are all here to lose weight and have fun or at least I am.