AAM week question...HELP please !!

Trust me its great, It feels like such a feast and it teaches you about portion sizes and also takes you back to basics, no artificial rubbish and the such!

Mine was chicken and spring greens too, and I loved it.

I would so recommend that everyone has aam, I swapped between chicken and cottage cheese and green veg and green salad.

Good Luck, let us know how your first meal went!
I lost as well in my aam week, the first time 2lbs, but 5lb the week straight after and I have just done one now, and I have been on holiday doing it and had a loss of 3lbs that was with four days in Disneyland Paris!!!!

All weight losses balance out in the long run, it will average at 1 stone per month some a little less some a little more, dont forget the water, you must still drink at kleast the rec amount
Morning all - thanx again for all your super replies !

Vicky / Brad - thanx for sharing your experiences of AAM with meal - I feel completely reassured and can't wait til Saturday to have some chicken - YUM :)

Vicky - well done on LOSING while you were away in Disney land - that IS an achievement !!

Everyone on here has done sooo well - it really inspires me if I'm having a bad day - THANX you guys :D

Better go an do some work !
