Haha thank you
Last weekend was amazing. Had a Nando's on Sunday with our dear Caroline - had chicken, salad and some pepper dip thing. Was absolutely the best thing I've ever tasted. Had that as a WS day. Back on TS for another 2 weeks and then I think I might have a couple of WS days next weekend
I'm definitely having 1 anyway!
I think because of what I ate, and staying in ketosis, it has made the 100% thing really easy to get straight back into, and as I were saying with Caroline I think it makes a whole world of difference with actually 'wanting' to eat something, rather than breaking and caving and eating something because of that
I know its still early days to say this, but I'm hoping that people who are struggling with getting back on the TS wagon will somehow come across this post and realise that its not impossible to do... I have so many things to keep me motivated to hitting goal!!! Not only have I met a really nice girl, but my festival in June is approaching very very fast!
But yeah, other than that, went to the gym last night and had a brilliant workout!
oh and the dog is behaving very good aswell these past few days. He had his first walkies yesterday and did great
a little bit scared of cars but meh think thats pretty normal for an 11 week old puppy dog!