Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

Not long now Abz x
Morning abz, did you have a good kip then love?
Morning Abz :D Hope the late shift went ok and that you're feeling better now...

It was sooo good to see you at the weekend, really wish you lived closer so we could do it more often :( And yes I _love_ my bridesmaid pressies :D in fact I am wearing one now :D I thought the charm bracelet would annoy people in the office cos of the bell, so I have the evil eye one on and therefore I am protected today :) Thanks again.
Morning Bon - glad you had a great time at the weekend x
Morning Gemstone and Jim :)

It was a lovely weekend indeed, I do wish we lived closer so I saw her and Thomas more often :(

I am very well thanks. I am only in work until 1pm today, so that's a nice short day :)

How are you both?
Nice short day Bon. Yea, I'm fine thanks x
I'm fine Bon, weather is cool t quite sunny, so that's nice.
It looks really sunny here too Jim, but it's still cold :S strange.

Yeah it's going to be a productive day today still though, we're sorting things out for Jamie's new job. We need to get him some smart shirts and trousers, and he has to sign off at the Job Centre (yippee!) and we need to set him up a bank account that does direct debits since he is going to be the main bread winner. We're becoming proper adults! scary!
Sounds exciting Bon - enjoy the moment and be adults later x
howdy everyone. another late shift for me today. am bored silly already and have another 8 hours to go.... still. we have a meeting that should eat into at least an hour of it :)
I hope you're building up some nice down time so you can recover. How are you feeling today?
not feeling as bad today but am still very tired. i have the day off tomorrow so will be able to luxuriate a bit. plus, i actually managed to get back to sleep this morning and slept until 9.30. almost unheard of for me :) so that helped :)

i prefer to be left to my own devices on a late shift, but my super came in late today and isn't leaving until 7.30 so i'm going to feel watched for a while.
I hate that feeling - guaranteed to make you less efficient x