Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

zomg christmas .. 10 weeks away .. It's good! But scary too how fast this year has gone!
"Time flies" said the man as the marble clock fell on his head!!! Sorry an old Teacher used to say that when we didn't get enough work done before the bell went - then he made us stay in and make up the time that had flown x
oh god. 10 weeks.

well the danish contingent are paying for us to go to denmark for christmas which is lovely of them. but now we are in the difficult situation where we can't afford to get everyone that gathers there presents (the family gathering is usually about 15 people...) so i think we're going to have to have the no present rule. which is financially better, but always depressing when everyone else is opening them, ha.

abz xx
i'm fine thanks babes :) how is the packing going?? and where are you sending all your stuff to?

i am so bored at work already. i want to be at home, in bed. gah. i have a book with me today so think i'm going to go off to the empty offices upstairs and read that at lunch time and see if i can kick this headache that keeps threatening to get me...

abz xx
Morning Abz :)

Was great to see you on Saturday :) even if it was just a quick coffee, but thanks for coming to meet me :)

Hope you're feeling ok and your lunch sounds like it'll be nice with your book :)
hey clarri, good to see you :)

was great to see you bon. felt like it was something we did all the time. shame we can't really.

abz xx
i'm fine thanks babes :) how is the packing going?? and where are you sending all your stuff to?

Packing is......not really happening. I am a lazy sod and need to do more. I need to sell my car.......so i have money to get my ticket and organise shipping and all that but it doesnt seem to be happening!
Im sending the stuff to my dads in oz :) so it should get there before next christmas hopefully haha. xx
Hi Abz - hope your day's been a good one x
oh god. 10 weeks.

well the danish contingent are paying for us to go to denmark for christmas which is lovely of them. but now we are in the difficult situation where we can't afford to get everyone that gathers there presents (the family gathering is usually about 15 people...) so i think we're going to have to have the no present rule. which is financially better, but always depressing when everyone else is opening them, ha.

abz xx

Hi Abz

As there is time to plan, could you not make presents for the danish contingent? Maybe some alcohol pickled fruits or handmade chocs, chutneys or even 'flavoured' oil (chilli, rosemary etc) - can be much cheaper & very well received:rolleyes:
Good Morning :) Agreed with HelenG above, if you could make presents it's always better received anyway cos you've put time and thought into it.
hi everyone. was my day off yesterday and i didn't even check my email :)

unfortunately due to my avoidance of the computer i also forgot to transfer money into our account to pay the phone bill since halifax charges you, even on same day transactions. so that's going to be a £30 fee *sigh*...even though thomas got paid today, they process the bills first so even though his money will have hit the account, possibly within minutes of them processing the bill, wham. bank charge. i dropped the ball for a moment there. am thinking of changing our current account as i'm sick to death of it!! natwest rings me up if i do something like this so i can move dosh around as they don't charge on same day transactions!!

abz xx
Morning abz, we are with nationwide and they don't change for same day either love.