hey everyone. sorry i'm not updating much but life is very dull at the moment. ha. just playing the waiting game don't think she's coming any time soon but i could be wrong. still getting loads of twinges and cramps but i think she could keep that up forever if i let her
i seem to have a very laid back baby, much like me really
I was wondering if we could have a little game of guess the date & weight... keep us entertained whilst yr doing all the hardwork?? What do you think?? xx
hee. well, i wouldn't discriminate, that's for sure jim but i may worry if her hair was purple at birth...
how come you are all guessing late?? that seems to be tempting fate ha. my mum rang today to ask if i thought i was going to go into labour before the weekend and could she schedule meetings on thursday and friday!! i mean, of course i know that!! i'm psychic!! ha. she is being so impatient. i get texted three or four times a day asking how i am. my answer 'fine' is starting to drive her nuts but if i was anything but i would let her know... ha.
managed to get out of the house today. ok. so my friend drove us to the local cafe, but it means i actually got dressed and was somewhere other than inside my house for the first time since last friday. woo. go me. ha.