Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

Hi Abz,

Awwww it all sounds so awful :( Soooo glad she's ok though. Don't be thinking like that though! it was an accident! :(

Hope she's feeling ok today and can manage to see Izzy for a bit :) that'll cheer her up.

Give her my love.
ha. how wise you are jim :D

yes. she fell down our stairs and hit her head on the frame at the bottom we think. thankfully she can't remember it or remember getting to the hospital. she 'woke up' in a and e although she was conscious throughout. it's her screaming for help i can't get out of my head. she was so scared. and i have a horrible feeling she was rushing to let us in.

abz xx

I thought it might be something like that, i.e. your mum rushing to let you in. I hope she gets well soon :) xxx
Gosh Abz - what a terrible thing to happen but good that she is ok. These freaky things happen sometimes and we don't know why the chain of events pan out that way x
Morning abz. Big day last night, I fed Olivia her first solid meal. :D Carrot and rice from a little pot. I don't think she was quite sure what was happening, we got more over me than her but she liked it. :bliss: :bliss:
wow jim!! how old is she? i can't believe that much time has passed already!! but then i can't believe that izzy is five weeks old already!! ha.

mum is plodding on. i daren't think that she'll definately be ok in case i tempt fate :( but it's looking promising.

am off out this afternoon to somewhere that isn't the hospital for the first time since sunday, ha.

abz xx
Olivia is 6 months now abz, unbelievable isn't it love.
I know Linz, you are right it's shocking how quickly the time flies.
Jim - you should always wear orange when you feed little ones.

Abz - So glad your mum is improving - (((Hugs))) to you all x
Heya, I hope that everything's going well and that your mum is recovering. Hope that you're getting some more sleep as well ;)
?? Gem, that one whooshed straight by love. LOL
Morning abz love, how are you and little izzy. How is your Mum, out of hospital I hope.
Morning Abi,

Was soooo lovely to see you yesterday, nice to meet little Izzy too who is adorable! and so well behaved! :D awww.

Hope your Mum's steadily improving.

Take care.

Hope to see you again soon :)
Hi Bon, you got to meet little izzy then, how nice love.
I did Jim, she is the cutest baby :) aw. And very well behaved too, I was impressed at how she just sat there looking around and then slept :) aw. She needed a lot of feeding though which must tire Abi out.

Her and Thomas have taken to parenthood like ducks to water! :) Lovely to see them :)
I bet she is a little beauty Bon. :)
Jim - the significance of wearing orange when feeding a baby solid food is that most baby food seems to be orange and you might just as well start with the right colour. I always make the mistake of wearing a white top to my daughters and then get given the baby feeding job x
Morning abz,

Oh I see Gem, that makes sense now. Be a bit difficult though, can't have people thinking I was supporting Holland. :)
Morning all! Bon, have you spoken to Abz since you saw her? is she doing ok? x