Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

i've taken cranberry pills in the past jim but they just don't work as well, so i guess i'll have to get down to it. i've learnt to tolerate the stuff over the years. this isn't the first time i've had to do it *sigh*... thought i was getting away with it the last couple of years :D hee.
I'd have thought the pills would be better abz, more concentrated?
but they take much longer to work jim, and drinking the juice seems to make me feel better much faster... i just want my kidneys to stop hurting :( on top of my back being dodgy at the moment and having to sit here for 10 hours with sciatica, this is something i could really do without. am also frozen. am sitting here in a woolly jumper under the bloody air con and i'm soooo cold!!
Jeez abz, we don't actually work in our server room thank god, I just control them remotely.
well i'm not IN the server room. i'm next to it. so the ambient temperature around here is low anyways. but an air con unit is very lovingly positioned over my head... aargh.
Aw Jim. I'm freezing too and out in the pouring rain at work :(

I find cranberry juice always tastes better with vodka haha xx
well i just got really wet going out to tesco for a tuna sandwich for lunch, ha. but the bonus is that i'm boiling now having been outside :) long may it last, ha.

abz xx
wet + air con = cold abz
well i've dried off a bit now jim :) am going to have an early lunch due to an incredibly early breakfast this morning. so i've thrown myself out of whack for the day.

i have no option but to sit here jim... so i'll just have to hope i don't get a cold.

abz xx
let's hope not abz, are you busy, it's quiet here today so far.
it's so so quiet here jim. am having serious trouble in staying awake. may find somewhere to have a quick nap during my lunch break :D where i have no clue but i'm sure i'd think of something if needs be.
the day just isn't going fast enough. am having a diet coke to wake me up a bit so i don't overdose on tea, ha. and i'm cold again :(
We have a sick room here abz with a couch in it.
Yes love, on numerous occasions. :)
Hey miss, just popping by your diary :) even though I've been emailing you all day :S ha.

Hope you're feeling more warm... you should come work here, no air conditioning makes it boiling even if it's snowing outside :(