Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

Yes I am love, an Irish function, I'm pretty sure there'll be loads of drink and craic. :D
Yes, and I'm sure I'll regret it tomorrow Bon. :D
hey babes hows things?

howdy everyone. well i'm sitting here at work on a saturday morning munching grapes. i've just managed to go through the almost 6000, yes 6000 emails i came into this morning. was there a message saying 'hey abi, we had some problems yesterday but it's all sorted now, don't panic'? nope. so to log on and see that many error reports, aargh!! still. nothing to do with me. i may have to restart a server or two for an off-site IT team but it seems the majority of the fix was done yesterday. it would have been nice if they could have saved me 10 minutes of panic until i figured out what had happened though ey?

so now i've finally finished getting rid of all of those emails and am munching grapes, as i previously mentioned :D

i hope everyone is having a more delightful saturday than i am so far :)

abz xx
Morning abz, how's things this morning love.
good morning everyone. well, it's my last week of official 7am starts this week. but since it's far easier for me to get here for 7am with a lift from thomas rather than leaving 15 minutes later, paying for the bus and getting here for 8, it looks like i'm going to be resting on my laurels for an hour before starting work... at least i'll get to catch up on my knitting :)

abz xx
Hi abz, good morning to you love, it's wet and miserable here.

Colleen does the4 same, she doesn't start 'till 9, but it's so much easier for me to drop her off rather than get 2 buses.
well jim, especially at this time of year. the buses get full very fast so if you can't get the first one you are hanging about in the rain as you can't see the bus coming from the bus stop (doh!!). then once i'm in the city centre there's a 15-20 minute walk to the office without charging there and getting there all hot and bothered. add onto that that more people want to get the bus so it stops about every 200 metres and can take half an hour to get into town... i would rather get to work in 10 minutes and veg here for a while...

abz xx
I agree love, but I bet you end up doing some work. ;)
i will jim. i've done it a few times in the past and it never quite works. if i have to work though (if i get emergency requests etc) then i'll claim the time back as lieu. i'm not proud :D it saves my boss being rung early in the morning doesn't it?
I'm well p,leased that my days of being on 24 hour call are long gone abz, that's for sure.
well i don't get paid enough for that jim. chance would be a fine thing :) ha. so it wouldn't be me. so although i now have to work every other weekend but only on saturdays, so it's better in some ways...
9 to 5 here abz, the only day job I've ever had. :)
well i used to work 7-5 jim, well, still do for this week, but it will have to shift to 8-6 as we need to cover until 6pm and i'll be working alone a lot of the time.
Oh dear Abz :( that is annoying since it's easier for you to work earlier... shame you can't go to work and sleep for another hour there, ha.

Oh well, I'll be here to email :D i work 9 - 6 :)
ha. yay :)

well i'm tucking into rice for my lunch :) tis scrummy. i used to live on golden savoury rice when at uni and i got really thin, ha. probably because i couldn't afford anything else :S
Is that the Batchelor's microwavable one abz, I used to like that as well.