Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

It's a shame to be at work now, I really fancy going for a walk in the sun.
especially when it's sunny love. I'll be taking Max for a walk this weekend I hope, I've nothing much planned thank god. :)
is max a dog jim?

it's a bit grey here but still bright...

the day is plodding along. four hours to go :D

abz xx
Max is a sodding great choccie Labrador who still thinks he's a puppy abz, and I'm his grandad so he's entitled to sit on my knees
He is, but damn he's stupid. LOL
Morning abz, how are you this morning love.
hey jim. well i'm at work. so does that answer your question? :D

went to see UP at the cinema last night in 3D. it was good. it was sad though, but good. and made me laugh a lot in places. i don't think everyone else found it as sad as me :D ha.
I haven't been to the cinema for ages and ages abz, I'll have to see if Colleen fancies going. It cold but nice and bright here, hows leeds?
Nice isn't it abz, I love it when it's dry, it's the endless rain that pisses me off.
oh god. i've been an idiot this morning. i was awake half the night with a headache that i couldn't shift. i get to work and there's errors left right and centre so i do what i think to get it sorted and stop the error reports for the bits that aren't urgent and someone gets in at 10 to sort them, email my boss etc... only to realise when he emailed back that a) the errors i'd been solving had been received at 1.30am, not just before i got in as i thought (those were the unurgent ones, doh!!) and b) that my boss has taken two days holiday and i shouldn't be getting in touch with him anyway. especially not early in the morning.

so now i feel like a total tit. sleep deprivation sucks!!
ah, not a good morning then abz. :)
no jim. i have not been told i'm an idiot, which just makes me feel more of one. gah. pillock that i am. feel so stupid... ah well. these things happen i suppose.
Sure they do love, we all have off days, I've done some stupid thing in my time, including doing a restore one Friday night instead of a backup, that was a dilly, a whole weeks work lost, I wasn't the flavour of the month for a while I can tell you.
Morning Abz and Jim :)

Sorry I haven't checked in here yet, I would say I've been busy working... but I haven't :S

How are we both?

Oh dear Abz, but don't worry about it, they would of said it was a bad thing to do and at least you've realised :) You were just doing your job!

How are things now? Got lots to do?
Hi Bon, I'm fine and abz is knackered love. :)