Hi there
Best advice I can give is to focus on you, and what you want to achieve. Other people may mean well, but I truly believe unless you have walked in the shoes of someone desperate to lose weight, and especially significant amounts of weight, then you just don't know what it's like. Politely ignore what you don't need to hear! I didn't tell anyone other than my nearest and dearest. I still haven't, even though 5stone later its starting to show!
Read up on Cambridge, what it entails, and which step is best for you. When you get your products do try ones you wouldn't think you like - my favs are the ones I never thought I'd like!
And set lots of mini goals in small measures you can enjoy ticking off quickly!
Take a picture of yourself now! Good to look back on.
Make sure you drink plenty of still/sparkling water - I use refillable 500ml bottles of which I manage 6 a day and I keep in the fridge either here or at work.
And write down as much as you can in the first couple of weeks - when you drink, when you have your products, when you go for a walk, how you feel, any temptations you avoid etc etc. it's good to read back during tougher times.
Day 3/4 and week 3/4 were the toughest, but it's all hard work - but so so worth it to get the best and fastest results.
Hope any of this helps,
You can do it!