About to Start :-)


Hi all, I'll be starting the Cambridge Weight Plan in a couple of weeks. Just wondered if anyone could give me any helpful advice/tips on what to expect? The few people I've told I'm doing it haven't been very positive, quite the opposite actually! But they've never done it themselves so are not really in a position to comment on it!!

Thanks :)
Hi there

Best advice I can give is to focus on you, and what you want to achieve. Other people may mean well, but I truly believe unless you have walked in the shoes of someone desperate to lose weight, and especially significant amounts of weight, then you just don't know what it's like. Politely ignore what you don't need to hear! I didn't tell anyone other than my nearest and dearest. I still haven't, even though 5stone later its starting to show!

Read up on Cambridge, what it entails, and which step is best for you. When you get your products do try ones you wouldn't think you like - my favs are the ones I never thought I'd like!

And set lots of mini goals in small measures you can enjoy ticking off quickly!

Take a picture of yourself now! Good to look back on.

Make sure you drink plenty of still/sparkling water - I use refillable 500ml bottles of which I manage 6 a day and I keep in the fridge either here or at work.

And write down as much as you can in the first couple of weeks - when you drink, when you have your products, when you go for a walk, how you feel, any temptations you avoid etc etc. it's good to read back during tougher times.

Day 3/4 and week 3/4 were the toughest, but it's all hard work - but so so worth it to get the best and fastest results.

Hope any of this helps,

You can do it!

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply.

I have about four stone to lose. I lost 4.5 stone a few years back on weight watchers but it slowly crept back on (I wasn't trying hard enough to maintain and I met my other half a year ago - we eat out a lot!). I've tried the pro points plan on weight watchers three times in the last year but just haven't got the same enjoyment of the diet and keep falling off the wagon at weekends. I'm hoping that by removing food and alcohol completely it will make it easier to stay on track as once i get a taste of beer that's it, all my good resolve goes straight out of the window

My boyfriend is dubious about the diet and my sister is worried I'm going to lose weight too quickly and be left with saggy skin! I have an appointment with a consultant on 30th September so will be able to get her advice about exercise etc.

I'm not expecting it to be easy at all but keep telling myself it's not going to be forever that I'm on the shakes and it will be so worth it in a few months! I'm excited but nervous at the same time!!

Hi !

I was prev on this diet in June for 3 weeks and lost 2 stone but came off it as i moved. Now back on it again and have a holiday in 8 weeks so hoping to lose as much as possible beofre then. It is hard work but soooo worth it. All about will power.

Hardest thing i have is that my boyfriend can eat as much as he likes and still stays skinny!!! Grrrrr!!!!

Anyway this site is such a good way to stay motivated and also to hear other peoples stories and im sure you will help others ... K x
Yep, my boyfriend is exactly like that too! We more or less eat all the same meals yet he's probably put a couple of lbs on in the last year...I've put over two stone on!!

My first time on WW I had so much will power I was bordering on obsessed! But I've lost that so hoping a new diet altogether will help.

Good luck, hope you get the weight off in time for your holiday. My cousin is getting married on New Year's Eve so I would like to try and lose as much as I can by then :)

Yeah its so annoying that he can eat what he likes. I would normally eat the same as him and same portion size.

Yeah same , first time round i had so much will power but this time not so much , dont know why. I know it works and i know you get results fast but i just need to do it and stop saying "i will start tomorrow". Today i have managed it , so day 1 over!

So you are starting on 1st? Want a buddy?? Or would you prefer someone to start with you on the same day? xx
No, a buddy would be fantastic, thanks!! I'm only starting on the 1 October because my boyfriend wanted me to give it until the end of the month on weight watchers but thats not really happening!! I think it's because I know I'm starting something new soon so I'm not really sticking to it. I just want to get going on Cambridge and not put it off any longer! I have my appointment booked in with the consultant though, on the 30th September so I can start the next day :) xx
hi there

just want to wish you the very best with what ever you decide. there is so much advice and insights into the diet on this forum take your time and have a read through some of it. i was surprised as i thought it would be hell on earth but other than the first week which was grim it isn t as bad as i thought and the quick losses really make up for it
Well if you already have the stuff until the 1st and you have your app booked then its all good!
Yeah that be great! It would be nice to have someone to share good and bad experiences with! Just had my last soup of the day..... just want to sleep now lol! x
Good luck :D day 4 was the worst for me but just get that first week down and you're golden :) even now with my results so far I still have people saying how unhealthy it is I can see it's really damaging my hair, but hair will grow! I'd rather have horribly thin damaged hair and drop the fat lol :) x
I'm on day five now and I don't actually feel any different. From reading threads on here people seem to lose a lot in the first week. My first weigh in will be on day nine, Thursday coming up. I hope I've lost something to compensate for the lack of solid food!! Xx
I'm on day five now and I don't actually feel any different. From reading threads on here people seem to lose a lot in the first week. My first weigh in will be on day nine, Thursday coming up. I hope I've lost something to compensate for the lack of solid food!! Xx

Best of luck for your first weigh in, after more than a week I'm sure you will have had a fab loss! Keep going! X