Abz' Diary - Maid of Honour

ha, not as well as i'd hoped linzi. not with the sweeties, but it could have gone much worse and at least now i'm not craving anything i couldn't have before :) cupasoup in half an hour and man am i looking forward to it, hee.

abz xx
How are you getting on? Well over halfway thru the day now! Yippee!!

I have a banging headache from carb withdrawal but that I can cope with its the cravings that do me in!
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hi linzi. i'm not doing too badly. i'm on 270cals now, and then i have my 200cal dinner and bed. ha. well a bath with my book and then bed. i have had two diet cokes today though and i don't really want to drink loads of caffeine after getting off the stuff on the detox i just did so i need to find a diet pop without it in. was thinking lilt. does that have caffeine in it?

how's it going for you now?

abz xx
well i'm finished at work. should be home by six. it hasn't been as hard as it was the other day. i'm really hungry right now, ha. but i have kept the cake i was given in a little pretty bag for the department's 10th birthday and will eat it tomorrow :) also managed not to eat paninis when everyone else did and sat here with my cupasoup. am going to go home, eat my ww readymeal, go in the bath and read a naff agatha christie novel (i can't help it. i have a penchant for those :D) and then go to bed early to stop myself from eating which my mum thought was ridiculous when i told her i was going to bed early so i wouldn't eat when i was on the phone to her on monday but which i think is a fab idea, hee.

up day tomorrow. it's my day off work so i should be able to contain myself since we don't really have anything unhealthy in the house, ha. i might have chicken and mushroom with boiled rice from the chinese tomorrow night though as i've been really wanting one of those for a fortnight. and it isn't that unhealthy as far as chinese food goes :D looking forward to it already. woo. ha.

abz xx
Hey Abz
Sounds like your doing well today! You can get a caffeine free diet coke I use it as my glass of wine at night!
Days not been too bad although I got tempted by some crackerbread & cheese somehow I thought it would help my headache! I mean its a well known cure for a headache isn't it!! :rolleyes:
Annoyed with myself that I'm on day 3 & have only managed 1 day 100% on Cohens, I've hardly binged but I guess its never as easy to follow a vlcd 2nd time around!
Bet those cakes will taste even better tomorrow having waited for them! Good on you girl!

ha. thanks linzi. i hope so too, ha. have realised that it being my day off tomorrow i can't have the panini i promised myself, hee. no worries. i might have a jacket potato or something. haven't had one of those in a while. or a nice big feta salad or something. sorry. i'm probably not helping your 100%ness am i??

how exactly does it work on cohens? is it like cd where you don't eat or do you get certain things that you allowed to eat because that's what it seems to be from other people's posts??

one out of three is good. and the longer you do it the more your stomach will shrink and the easier it will be. you'll get over your sugar addiction and cravings etc. no worries linzi :) you're doing really well :D

abz xx
Hi Abz

Cohens is food based. You get a list of a few proteins & vegetables with specific weights of what you can eat at each meal(weights differ for each individual). You have to leave 5 hours between meals & can't eat after 9pm.
You can have 5 crackerbread or 2 1/5 ryvita a day but no more than 2 crackerbread or 1 ryvita at a time & you have to leave 2 1/2 hours between them.

No milk or alcohol allowed & only 1 litre of specific other drinks allowed.

You can have dairy at only one meal per day (low fat yoghurt/egg/cheese).

Think thats most of it... pretty easy to fail on! :(

Hey don't worry about my 100% its really good to hear that its normal & what everyone struggles with! x
hee. of course we all do. if we didn't we wouldn't be here in the first place in the situation we're all in :)

you are doing incredibly well, and i am hoping that i will too once i've been doing it long enough to know if it works. it's a little nerve racking knowing that this is all a bit experimental and i could be gaining weight!! although i have been good as gold today!! so that must have more than made up for yesterday's sweeties!! ha.

abz xx
the wedding is on the 5th july. the dresses are already fixed in size. if any alterations have to be made then i'll have to make them myself. although i think she might be getting them taken up to the right length about two weeks before. she hasn't really said. they are shop bought from bhs so we already have them. my boobs just need to shrink!!

abz xx
well i made it through my second down day. weighed in this morning and i weigh exactly the same, ha. but then it's only been three days. also i am actually expecting to gain a wee bit after coming off a detox so we'll see how it goes. it's an up day today and i plan on taking it fairly easy with my chicken and mushroom and boiled rice chinese for dinner, which in the scheme of chinese could be much worse. have had my two boiled eggs for brekkie. i haven't got lunch figured out yet but will think of something, ha.

really wish i'd measured myself when i started but i don't really want to now. i can see that i'm shrinking. it's a bit scary really, but i want to keep on going by the scales. might start measuring the chest though as it's that that needs to GO!!

abz xx
i have been reading peoples diaries this morning and more and more i'm noticing the massive weight losses of people on food replacement diets. and it's so so appealing. but i'm not sure i could do it. i'm not sure i could afford it, although everyone assures me you end up saving money. i don't spend £35 a week on ANYTHING. i just don't have it to spend. but my OH, bless his heart, finally (FINALLY) realised how unhappy i actually am with my weight. rather than thinking i just want to do it to look better. he doesn't care. and he pledged that he would live on sandwiches if i wanted the money to start cd, ha. awww. bet he'd regret that one quick enough!! i suppose the question is whether i want to give up food pretty much completely, and whether i could stick to it. also, if i could deal with 'missing out' on things. we host dinners a lot - everyone brings food and we provide nibbles and we sit and watch films, i would be drinking a milkshake. i don't drink very often but would like to be able to. also, does it damage the diet if you have the odd day off. i mean, i'm a bridesmaid in just over a month. i can't go to a wedding and have a cd soup!!

abz xx
ha. i will do just that, but if i'm allowed 'some' i'm bound to want 'all'... hee. i'll have a looksee now...

abz xx
i have had a quick look and it doesn't appeal. it looks really effective but it would be far too easy for me to fall off that wagon. too much freedom!! ha.

abz xx
right. i am off to make lunch. no idea what we've got in the house since i was so restricted yesterday, ha. might make a sandwich. will see what i come up with :)

i am totally addicted to this forum. all i've done all day is write on it!! i'm going to become some kind of hermit if i'm not careful!!

abz xx
Enjoy your lunch!

This forum is addictive hehe
i have tummy ache. i think i left it too long before eating but i didn't get hungry :(

i am having some kind of strange thing from the cupboard. it's like rice pudding but made with macaroni instead. haven't tried it yet, it's too hot. think my great aunt gave me it and it sounded so strange i haven't tried it yet, ha. it's really difficult to leave her house without 3 bags of food!! only thing i fancied... 300cals, so not too bad :)

abz xx
What's it called?:confused: