i have been reading peoples diaries this morning and more and more i'm noticing the massive weight losses of people on food replacement diets. and it's so so appealing. but i'm not sure i could do it. i'm not sure i could afford it, although everyone assures me you end up saving money. i don't spend £35 a week on ANYTHING. i just don't have it to spend. but my OH, bless his heart, finally (FINALLY) realised how unhappy i actually am with my weight. rather than thinking i just want to do it to look better. he doesn't care. and he pledged that he would live on sandwiches if i wanted the money to start cd, ha. awww. bet he'd regret that one quick enough!! i suppose the question is whether i want to give up food pretty much completely, and whether i could stick to it. also, if i could deal with 'missing out' on things. we host dinners a lot - everyone brings food and we provide nibbles and we sit and watch films, i would be drinking a milkshake. i don't drink very often but would like to be able to. also, does it damage the diet if you have the odd day off. i mean, i'm a bridesmaid in just over a month. i can't go to a wedding and have a cd soup!!
abz xx