Day 13
Have found another product am not keen on. The peanut butter bar which I personally thought was not at all for me with a strange after taste and I disliked it! That is only my view though I think lots of people like it! Busy day home schooling today and sitting on zoom calls with my eldest for the morning and afternoon catch up(it goes in for a long time as each child has a bit of a chat!) really nice to see though.
The oversized t shirts I have taken to wearing with my black leggings (I live in black leggings at this size as I feel dreadful in anything else) probably aren’t but do feel looser than two weeks ago! Not doubt I am kidding myself but curious to see if there will be any loss on Sunday.
I had a great result last week so anything would be a bonus and if I stay the same then thats fine too. I haven’t deviated once which has really surprised me as whilst I have a iron will once I start in something the past decade or so I have been unable to stick to anything consistently.
I have tried all the diets pretty much from the cabbage soup, the British heart foundation one(remember that one!?) SlimFast , WW, slimming world (have only ever tried once as have never taken to it for some strange reason), Cambridge diet , Dukan, Atkins and Exante in its earlier guise and realise I need to get off this merry go round(although it’s not merry!) I have been doing for years.
I need to lose the weight which I can do but the main point being once I get there keep the weight off. Learn to life my life without eating my feelings. Using food as a comfort/friend, hiding myself by eating my weight on.
I am not ready to talk yet about the times I have eaten thoughtlessly and horrendous amounts /choices I have made food wise as it does make me ashamed but plan to face it without fear or shame when I feel ready and hope I am successful.
Sorry have gotten a bit deep here

it is cathartic I think mainly because it’s quite anonymous so hope you don’t mind my blabbering on.