Activity Points - To use or not to use?!


Silver Member
Hey all,

Just wondering what other people think about this.

I use my activity points every time i earn them and im not sure if i should be.

Im doing ww by myself - no class or online or anything so not really sure what other people do.

Can you please advise?

I think particularly because i exercise 4-5 days a week for an hour of hard exercise (that earns me 12 pp i think) although i was told on this forum i can only use 6 maximum extra per day. (if this is wrong please tell me!!)

So in effect i am using 6pp more 4-5 days per week plus my weeklies. I guess its just a bit hard to believe that it is ok to do this.

Any advice welcome!

ps im on week 3 and get weighed again saturday but have lost 4lb, then 2lbs in weeks 1 and 2.

Many thanks!:D
I did ww last year with a guy from work. Granted he could have more points being a guy but he lost way more than me every week but swore it was because he often had weeklies left (sometimes 20 left!!!) and he never used his exercise points as he said he didn't feel confident guessing how much he'd earned.

I lost 17 lbs over 6 months but it was lose/gain/lose on and off throughout. My friend lost 25lbs in 3 months, so I guess it just goes to show..
Ok thank you both for the advice. Think i am going to try and stick to 28pp a day then if i exercise AND AM STARVING after i will use some lol. And on proper food too! Used 28pp yesterday and didnt use my extra exercise points and am on track for the same today so ill c at my wi on sat if it makes a difference!
Fingers crossed n thanks for advice!!
Hi Pasta

I earn about 52 points a week on exercise too. I never eat them because I think its a bit backwards - For example, yesterday I ate a Krispy Creme doughnut ( I am no diet angel by any stretch of the imagination). I pointed it and stuff so no biggie. I then went for a 45 minute hard run that earnt me the same amount of points that I had eaten. I would rather lose weight a bit quicker than eat an extra doughtnut. However, me and my man debate this quite regularly because if you don't have enough calories to fuel the exercise, you burn muscle mass which means you hav eless muscle using up calories. I find using them as a buffer best - so I try my hardest not to use them but you know when that extra nut pops in your mough, or the corner of the cheese falls off when your making your sandwiches and it magically pops into your mough - I know thats covered.

As for the 6 points thing, I've not heard of that and have just checked the books and its not written in there either.

Good luck. x