Ok just checking in. Two days on and it's motivating me no end. It's made me very conscious of how much I move about and I've already cracked out the power hoop and gone for an admittedly short run. Tonight I plan on walking down to WI rather than jumping in the car. So it appears that it does work. I'm also logging my food and water intake. I know we don't technically count but I don't think it hurts to be somewhat aware, particularly in relation to portion sizes.
So far? Money well spent
Have read reviews on this product on Amazon and Tesco Direct. Quite mixed but generally good. Tesco Direct do them in black, slate and pink for £65. However they are currently out of stock! I have £20 of clubcard points to spend which I can double to £40 so I could get it for £25! When they are back in stock that is.