So last night on facebook my stepmum (Who is in no way clued up on technology tho bless her she does try!!) finally worked out how to upload pictures. So ALL the pictures from the last few years were getting uploaded. Including this beauty from just over a year ago.
I was nearly sick when i saw the size i used to be...i have no memory of being that big (14 stone 9lbs and at 5ft 4 i dont carry it well). I immediatly had to go and look at a picture taken of me from this weekend (on a rare night out) to try and remind myself that i no longer look like that hideous fat mess!!!
So here you go: 14 Stone 9lbs (2nd from left)
At at my current weight of 10 stone 10lbs:
All i can say is thank god for slimming world!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxx