Advice: holiday


Gold Member
Just a bit of advice needed ladies! As you may know, I'd aimed to lose weight for my first girly holiday to Spain. I started in january, and am here now 50lb lighter ad 4 days to go!!

The problem is this: I'm 5.5lb off target and want to go away fully enjoying my holiday. I don't want to be constantly having different meals from others and I'm going to drink. I'd like to stick to dukan principles (eggs for breakfast, oatbran if I can take/buy it) but maybe more Atkins style with the odd conso type meal?! What do you guys think? I feel I've spent so much on the holiday I want to enjoy it but I don't want to reverse everything! And at the moment I'm scared to cheat, I cant bring myself to eat carbs etc (not even 1 chip!)

Basically, can I eat what I like and just re-attack on return? X
This was my problem exactly but I wasn't anywhere near to target
In the end I thought Sod it and went away and ate and drank how I wanted but with limited carbs
The damage over 3 weeks is 5.5lbs which I now by next week and a full week on attack will be gone
My advise should u wish to take it is to enjoy your well earned holiday to the max and get back on when u get back
I'm pretty sure u deserve it! X
I say just go and enjoy yourself, I spent 2 weeks in Florida eating and drinking what I wanted and only put on 2lbs! As long as you get a bit of exercise and drink plenty of water you'll be fine, a few PP days will soon sort any damage when you're back!
First of all, well done on 50lbs off! I have a little plaque my children gave to me for my birthday which says "Enjoy the little things in life because one day you will look back and realise they were the big things"; enjoy your holiday, enjoy the memories it will give you for ever, you can lose more weight (and any gained) when you get back. Just remember that if you carb binge you might get a dodgy stomach (NOT what you want on holiday!) - maybe you could go into conso now?
Thanks guys- it's scaring me to introduce these things!! I'm only away for a week laura and Zoe so I'll not have as long "off the wagon" so to speak!

Thanks cd. I'm really wanting to enjoy the holiday. I've even bought a bikini! (or 4, oops) and have loved buying a new wardrobe ranging from 8-12 (primark 12s!) so want to continue when home. I'm hoping to only have small carb portions due to the ibs anyway-a few chips with a meal, a bit of birthday cake (my friend turns 24 when we're there) etc. I know I'll find it difficult to do the <5% fat but hoping that keeping a majority protein might be good?

Hoped to weigh on Wednesday to see if I'd shed any more so was staying pp until then (had 2pv this weekend). Nice "clean" dukan days to hopefully keep me decent in a bikini- eeek! I even bought a playsuit today hahaha! X
Sounds like you have a lovely holiday wardrobe! And isn't primark sizing annoying!! Have lots of fun xx
I've actually spent more on holiday clothes than the holiday does that work?! To be fair to pradamark I just picked up 12s and t was too busy to try but they're vest tops so I don't want ultra clingy! Wanna be able to chuck over bikinis/under tops etc! X
Have an amazing time lovely, I would eat and drink pretty much whatever you like - I am sure you will naturally steer clear of carbs - I would be thinking more atkins than dukan and enjoying a slice of cake during the week sounds pretty tame to me!!
Just to give you another option since everyone else is opting the other way... there is always Dukan's Conso holiday you could try.

It consists of following normal Conso (PV each day, with wholemeal bread each day) and for the holiday version he advises two pieces of fruit per day and two portions of starch and two gala meals per week.

It's a good idea for people who need some structure to avoid totally letting go once out of ketosis and the cravings are harder to resist.

Just a thought!

Q : Est-il dangereux d'interrompre le régime (départ en vacances pour 15 jours ) et de le reprendre ensuite sans pour autant créer une accoutumance et donc ne plus réussir à maigrir.

R : Dr Dukan : Non, ce n'est pas dangereux, mon conseil, partez en vacances avec le régime de consolidation, c'est un régime que vous pouvez suivre n'importe où sans vous sentir ni faire sentir aux autres que vous surveillez votre poids mais qui vous permet de ne pas reculer. L'objectif n'est pas de maigrir en vacances car les vacances ne sont pas faites pour cela mais tout abandonner brusquement peut créer un appel d'air et une reprise de poids par effet de contraste. Dans le régime de « consolidation de vacances intercurrentes », vous avez droit aux protéines et légumes, à deux fruits par jour, à deux tranches de pain complet, à 40 grammes de fromage, à deux portions de pâtes, à deux repas de gala sans faire de jeudi de protéines pures si le voyage ne dure que 15 jours.
MAIS dès le retour, retour au régime bien fait et d'autant bien fait que vous vous serez aérée et que vous serez prête à repartir du bon pied.
Yes, that's good advice. If I'd let completely loose during my conference trip I would have been in big trouble when I got back. I decided to allow alcohol and do pv every day, but no other changes. Keeping some rules helped a lot as I knew I was still keeping within my own 'plan'.

The holiday conso sounds like an excellent option too. I thought I read a version where you were also allowed a glass of wine each evening? Whatever you decide to do, try and make the decision before you go, as it makes you feel like you are still in control instead of in food free fall :)
Thanks guys. I'm going for moderation!! At airport :) yay! X
have a fab holiday! last tip although i'm sure you know this already: after a long time on proteins, no alcohol, 1 or 2 drinks can really have an effect! so drink lots of water at the same time and take it easy: you don't want ultra dukan hangovers to spoil your holiday either!

and enjoy the holiday outfits!

Have had a few drinking nights out but shall be careful! Need to get changed at midday every day to make use of the clothes hahahah! X
Enjoy your break and make the most of that new body that you have - love it that your gonna change at midday each day to wear them all - I like your style............ Good timing getting out of Britain whilst the rain goes on and on.........Have a lovely cool very alcoholic drink for me!!! LOL!
Just go and have a wonderful time and come back to it later. Well done on such an amazing loss.
Thanks for the advice ladies, I'm back! Didn't stick to dukan, had a lovely time with my girlies an even wore a bikini! Am non-dukan today again to get a food shop etc but am going to reattack tomorrow (unsure on length!) and not weigh until next week. Weighed while away (about half way through) and was lighter than when I left but I think that's the work v normal scales discrepancy. Do you think I should weigh sooner? Or just once I'm back in "the zone". I want to see this through and get into conso and stab and I was only 5.5lb away pre holiday so I'm really hoping I'll not have done too much damage and I'll be able to reach target and conso by the end of august. Too optimistic? X
welcome back! and congrats on the bikini. i think you should weigh sooner. it might be a shock, but if you have put on pounds it will be motivating to see how quickly they come off again. and if you haven't gained, it will prove that you can go and enjoy a holiday with dukan! so win win!

Mondays the soonest I'll be at work but I suppose I could have a peek at home, although they're not always accurate! X
Welcome back hun, glad you had a fab holiday and well done on getting into the bikini, proper beach babe now! lol

If it was me I would probably give it a couple of days then weigh in, dont want the scales messing with my head! Cx
I just bit the bullet and pleased I did if I hadn't think I would have keep eating as if on holiday for the weekend.... instead saved two days over eating...glad you had the bikini holiday you've worked sooooo hard for xxx