Advice: holiday

First day back is tough! Still got naughties in house, had one "holiday" day at home yesterday so weighed this am at home and think I may be up 4.4lb total. Can't ve 100% sure as I always weigh at work! Thinking of getting my diary back on the go to post food for the next wee while, wondering how long to do pp for? 10 days seems extreme but maybe I need that? Did an initial 10! How long seems reasonable to lose these last 9.9ln?!
Why don't you just cruise your way there, it won't take long xxx
Thought I should do more attack to kick start the diet again and get back into ketosis? Also have had such slow losses on cruise I feel it'll take an age! Would 3-5 days pp be more realistic? X
Yes I think thats the bettet option, if you had stones to lose the yes attack would be best but pp days will nail it. Your body will, if its like mine go straight back into ketosis xxx
Thanks sididd. I may do some extra pp to help kickstart!
Agree: I think 10 days attack is way to much, as ketosis will start quickly. You only had a short break and it will come off quickly, so I think around 3 days is fine.