Advice needed


Silver Member
Help , I went away last weekend oh as a treat for my weight loss ( 3 stone ) so far . Was really good in the sense that I only ate protein & veg and I had 2 drinks , came home fully focused and was ready to do tfr again. However I just can't get back on track , I think it's a mind thing , everyone is showering me with compliments and that's good as I no I've come a long way ,but I also need go loose another 3 to 4 stone at least . Have my sons confirmation in April and I cannot get into the swing of it.... Can any of you fellow lipotrimmers tell me have yeah ever went through this and what would yeah think if I was to have 2 shakes and maybe a high protein meal with veg or salad .
Struggling tigger xx
Talking from experience...

You would continue to lose if you had a day1 re-feed meal with 2 shakes


It will be a slower weight loss

If you can't get back into 100% then it would be the best alternative...

When you can do a 100% day then do it as many times as you can... If you manage to do 2 and 3 100% days on a run... Hell, you might as well stay on the roll and do another.. Catch my drift ??

Good luck and stay positive xx
Thanks. Amanda ,
I'm really annoyed with myself at the moment ,best of intentions in the morning & by 4 ish it starts getting hard ,I hear what your saying thou . I am due to go for a weigh in on Tuesday but I might go tomorrow instead ,
Tigger x
Just stay positive...

And if you are gonna have 1 meal

Only have a day 1 refeed meal

I know I can do this , and when I did eat it was only protein , but I have just decided to bite the bullet & go get weighed tomorrow thanks again Amanda your advice helped it's nice to no we can come on here and whinge lol. My oh ear is talked off of him .. Ha
I have been the same since Christmas. I think in my head I am thinking that I'm starting to look "normal", like you, I'm getting lots of compliments on how well I'm looking. I have managed to stay 100% during the week, but have been away a few weekends, and allowed myself to eat, I felt in control. Any weight I have put on, I have lost, plus more by my weigh in on Fridays.
But last Friday I only showed a 1lb loss at weigh in. Pharmacist was not happy. She gave me a severe talking to. Said this is not a yoyo diet, and if I don't do it properly, it will all go back on again.
I hate being told off!! But so far it's worked, I have stayed 100% this weekend.
I so badly want to get this last 20lbs off.
Good luck at your weigh in.
Hey I hope things are going ok now Hun and weigh in was good?

In terms of getting back on track, I know how you feel. Last time I did this diet after 6 weeks I had a birthday meal (protein and veg) but I struggled after getting back on track.

However if you can just get through the next week 100% then I'm sure you'll get back into the swing of it. You've done really well hun. You CAN do this!

Good luck


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Thanks bex & wew
I went to chemist and had the weigh in I was down 2 lb , it could have been better & the pharmacist was pleased I hadn't gained . Going to tfr all this week , roll on next Monday ha wishing my life away lol