Advice please from those who are helping others...


Full Member
Hi, I'm Stacey and i started following SW by myself from home just over weeks ago. I was just wondering if i could get some advice from those of you following SW that are also helping your partners, husbands, wives, children etc lose some weight too.

My Mum is a wonderful woman who has very low self confidence. She has been a size 22-24 for as long as i can remember. She is now 64, doesn't look it, but is feeling very down and it's sad to see. I have had many conversations with her where she just sits infront of her mirror in her room and puts herself down. This morning was just one of those conversations; she said to me that she should probably eat like me and she wishes she had more energy to do things. I know she has told me her knees are hurting her really bad lately and she gets pains down her sides, her sleeping isn't great and i told her i would help her foodwise if she wanted me to.

I just wondered how you have approached it. Have you made them the same meals you are eating? We don't eat the same things really. She likes shop bought stroganoff and generally just picks throughout the day, she doesn't actually eat a proper meal i don't think. I'm not always there during the day as i'm at work. I also aren't sure about giving her a plan of sorts. To be honest i just don't really know where to start. I just think if i could help her this way, then it would help her help herself in the other ways if you know what i mean. I just want her to feel happier about herself and not sit infront of the mirror and put herself down.

Any advice about how you have gone about helping someone else would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks everyone xx
Aw thats a wee shame. I honestly think the best thing that you could do, if possible, is say mum I'm enjoying slimming world but I think it would really work better if I went to a group and stayed to classes, would you consider coming with me.
I know it costs, but I think it would be worthwhile. I know I couldn't do it all on my own, maybe you can, but can your mum?
how about sitting down with your mum an saying your feeling a lot better from doing slimming world an dose she want to join you then maybe you can write a weeks menu plan with her I think breakfast lunch an dinner wrote down would be best for but she's got to change how she eats it's best to have 3 meals in the day an snacks in between an if she picks she's gonna find this a big change but start small so a small breakfast maybe even a yoghurt then build it up to things like porridge an fruit etc, do you live with your mum? Also if you go to group once she's settled this could boost her confidence an help her make new friends if you live with your mum try cooking for her to tell her what all mums say if they don't like it eat it because your not geting anything else lol good luck Hun hope she gets where she wants to be