Hi my gorgeousesssssesesss!
Sorry havnt updated today, afer Shred day 4 i didnt think id ever be able to type again haha
kidding, just been busy preparing christmas boxes for u know who!! theyve all got to be sent by friday to get to afghan before christmas... madness!
Shred day 4.
used weights again and felt the burn literally from the warm up to the cool down!
my endurance realy shocked me, the skipping i find hard as im so heavy its alot of weight goign straigt up - and then obviously crashes back down, but managed to get through all the cardio without pausing for breath including the skip....
my other hard bit s the squat and punch... but again found i sunk twice as low today and really felt my thighs burning - shedding fat every second so im really thrilled!!
My ab part is always the easiest but think thats because i had been doing my ab workout for a good while before i started - i missed the last few of the bycicle crunches AGAIN but has made me more determined so hopefully, fingers toes the lot cross, i will manage it tomorrow!! it has become another mini goal!!
I am so proud of myself, i need to remember i still weigh a whopping 17 and a bit stone, thats alot of weight to shift an seeing the videos on youtube, non of the people doing it have an ounce of fat on them so for me to throw my mass round lol i mst be doing well!!
well as you all know im a zumba addict!
had zumba tonight and was dreading it a bit as still sore from the shred, got there and just went for it, found i had more energy than ever, and really enjoyed myself, felt like i was one of the "better" ones there which was FANTASTIC!!
going to kepe up my zumba as i know i can do both now, although i will be sacrificing my swims i think just common sense really.. something has got to give im having no rest days and eating bugger all lol
the last thing i want to do is get ill and have to come off plan, stop the excercise and gain all the weight plus more, so listeining to my body and being sensible!
Have been in a wonderful mood again today,
got 2 - yes 2 letters off my hero

<---- my face, and my weights arrived in the post lol so yep iv been on top of the world lol
Its a hard job being a forces wife, but i think im doing a pretty good job at it, wouldnt have it any other way!
Love to u all
Think thin and always smile xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx