Afghanistan weight loss diary - C25K WK1,2,3,4+5 - Complete!

Thanks babe! i have got the NHS one, suppose they are similar but will download that one! i love the music on it though which is fab, couldnt run to abba hahaha xxx

well thats just a marvellous idea! peter is off all of august isnt he so would be lovely to both come up for the day and go out for a pub lunch somewhere or something!!

and we can swap and change clothes hahahaha imagine it Nick!!! aaaa!!!!! xxxx

fab !!! its a date !! x
omg cant believe you won't get weighed now until Peter has gone back !!! you won't know what you are when you see him ? you soooo have to get some scales cos I won't be able to live with the suspense :D

I weigh myself all the time now I've got the scales which I knew I would but I think at my point now its good cos if it goes up it stops me picking lol - luckily its staying down at the moment - its learning me what I can eat etc, quite educational lol

I'm so glad your feeling better, christmas will be out the way before we know it and then back to shredding and major countdown to your hero coming home :)

On my phone in my mother in laws so will reply properly nick when I'm at home on laptop!

Just to wish everyone the most wonderful Christmas

And to ask you all to take a second to think of our nations heroes out in the sand pit!

Merry Christmas boys xxxxxxxxxxxx
Merry christmas to the boys xxxx
Hi everyone!

sorry for my laziness with my diary, i dont want to bore you all hahah

Had a lovely christmas, spent christmas eve at my mother in laws and woke up with her and the baby christmas morning, well she was on nights, so we got up when she came in in the morning and openen presents with her before she went to bed!

then i picked my father in law up and went to my sister in laws for dinner! we had a lovely day, lissy was spoilt rotten, completely over whelmed and had her first christmas dinner!!

i completely soul sourced all day as planned and felt wonderful for it!

stayed at my parents christmas night as they were both working christmas day (nurse and firmeman) and we were having our family christmas on boxing day!

had a lovely day with everyone and im ashamed to say i had a christmas dinner hehe i had all my protein 1 roastie and left all my carrots and mash so that wasnt bad... but then i had a little bowl of chocolate gateaux, id been waiting for it all year though haha and then when everyone ese had their buffet, i ate my weight in gammon adn turkey! woops!!

back on plan today though and found it an absolute doddle, i felt absolutely awful this morning and couldnt wait to be empty again!

glad i had the day off though as it has squashed all my fears of bingeing and never being able to get back on etc i know i now have learnt self controll... until it comes to gateaux, thank god we onyl ave it once a year lmao!

Shredded today also, Day 1 of round 2!

worked my backsdie off,

this shred is my countdown shred to hubbies 2 weeks hol at the end of jan!

unfortuantely he wont be home early anymore, but not to worry, time will fly!

So day 1 shred level 1 is done, and day 1 back on plan done! hoping to be back in ketosis soon, although i havnt noticed a difference coming out so hey ho!

heres me and my beautifl baby anyway, adn also my day 1 shred round 2 pictures!

love you all as always, xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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I love that first photo of you !!! x

you know how proud I am of you - I never notice any difference not being in ketosis either to be honest lol x still bloody freezing - breaths better though ha ha
i'm going to start the shred dvd 1st jan. :)
omg! just posting to say how gorgeous you are!! your pics are amazing and you have the most beautiful face and smile! my teeth arent straight and i would seriously kill for a smile like that. well done on staying on ss and dont worry about the tiny gateau blip. you are truly inspiring lauren.
I love that first photo of you !!! x

you know how proud I am of you - I never notice any difference not being in ketosis either to be honest lol x still bloody freezing - breaths better though ha ha

sounds about right chick hah although christmas dinner wrmed me up hehe xxx

i'm going to start the shred dvd 1st jan. :)

wooohooo !!! look forard to it chick xx

omg! just posting to say how gorgeous you are!! your pics are amazing and you have the most beautiful face and smile! my teeth arent straight and i would seriously kill for a smile like that. well done on staying on ss and dont worry about the tiny gateau blip. you are truly inspiring lauren.

ahhh sweetie, thats just so so lovely of you!! i had braces for 5 years lol i used to be able to fit a pound coin between my front teeth and still have a gap so my teeth always make me self conscious!

hope you had a wonderful christmas hunni, and thankyou so much for stopping by! xxx
ello my beautiful slimming lovelies!

WEll i rang my CDC today to see if i could pop in to see her on the 2nd jan just before i head home (down south) for 5 weeks to pick hubby up woo hoo and she said.... oh pop in now love will be good to see u..

this was at like 7pm, 2 days back into SS and having drank 4 litres of water!!!

to say i was sh1tting myself would be an understatement hahaha

walked in with my head down and told her about my 1 roastie and my gateaux and she wet herself laughing at me!

regardless of my scrummy boxing day bonanza, i lost 1lb lol

she did my composition also... will go back a few pages and see if i can find the last one, but iv basicall gained 2lbs of muscle which is wonderful!

all thanks to shredding!

im amazed as expected to loose alot of muscle mass as is the norm on any diet but especially vlcs, but to gain 3lbs in total since starting the shred, and 2lbs quite recently is wonderful!

just shows you can loose fat, gain muscle and live happily ever after lol


give me 10 to find composition and will put it all here

Weight - 18stone 7.8lb - 16stone 13lbs - NOW 15stone 11lbs
Height 7ft 5.5inches
BMI 40.1 - 36.6 - NOW 34.1
Fat% - 52.5 - 48.3 - NOW 43.4

Fat mass - 9stone 10.4lbs - 8st 2.6lb - NOW 6stone 12lbs
Muscle mass - 8stone 4.4lbs - 8st 5.2lb - NOW 8stone 6.6lb
Bone mass - 6lbs same
Visceral fat - 12 - 10 - NOW 8


Also Updated goals...

1. Get into Ketosis - Done 11.10.10
2. Get through 1 week. - Done 16.10.10
3. Loose 1st Stone - Done 15.10.10

4. Get through 1 month - Done 9.11.10
5. Get to 18 stone - Done 28.10.10 and into the 17's!
6. Carry on after Peter goes to Afghanistan - Done and carried on doing since the 9th October.
7. Get to 17stone - done 22.11.10

8. Start Running...(after the shred)
9. Throw away my maternity jeans - done 4.11.10
10. Get BMI below 35 - DONE
11. get to 16 stone. - DONE

12. get to 15 stone by Peters RNR in Feb
13. Get into my size 18 skinny jeans. - DONE
14. Get to 14 stone
15. Get into my "boyfriend jeans!
16. Loose 100lbs
17. Get to 12 stone
18, Get into a size 12 by April for hubys home coming!

Bold are done, not many to go now! how exciting xxx

Fabulous chick, well done :D xxx
Thanks lovely lady xxxx
wow, thats brilliant!
Thanks beautiful girls! Shocked myself to be honest lol xxx

Bit of a crappy day today,

My car had to go into the garage and it's going to cost me £265 for the privilege! The money iv got to use to pay for it is money iv saved for Peter's break end of Jan do I'm gutted ab peed off anyway as we are getting a new car in a couple of months!

But hey ho that's life! And at least I'm still smiling hey!! Plus the walk home from the garage is about 40 minutes so me abd Lissy enjoyed a leisurely stroll!! Every cloud lol

Lissy has settled quite a bit with bed times dare I say it! No screaming but have to cuddle her to sleep before I can put her in her dot - I'd rather that anyway!!

Going home on the 2nd Jan and I can't wait!

Next time I come north on the m6 my hubby will be with me woohoooooooo

Day 3 of the shred today and day 3 back on plan, don't feel like I had a day off to be honest don't think I ate enough to cause damage... Deffinately in ketosis I'm freeeeeezin lol xxxx
WOOP WOOP you know what I think;) xx fabbie lady x
Hello my gorgeousseseses!

Car now costing 500 stupid bloody thing!

No point crying over spilt milk as they say!

5 days with no word from hubby has me
On edge at the moment as well so everything crossed for something tomorrow!

I know someone has been hurt as well but that's all as know... It's not Peter, but still awful! Really awful!

It sounds odd at 22 to say my life has been put into perspective, buy a friend of mine died of cancer this week, I say cancer, she has had lukemia twice and has been in remission both times... But this time while she was recovering she caught pneumonia and sadly after fighting for months lost her battle she was an angel in life and is certainly one now... She was 23 when she died, a blink of some peoples life.... And the only good I can take from it is that I am doing absolutely everything so I'm as healthy as I can be... Not for me but for my beautiful baby...

ThT could of been me, and Lissy would be without a mummy now, so if that's not good enough reason
To get as healthy as possible I don't know what is!

I don't want to dwell on candice's death, she certainly wouldn't of, so instead I'm Goin to learn from it, abd hopefully pass on the importance of looking after ourselves to
You as well

So sorry to hear about the death of your friend. It's things like this that makes us realise how lucky we are and money doesn't matter.

Irene xx
Absolutely Irene,

Its made me realise how important it is to look after myself as well, that way I'm giving Lissy every chance of her mummy around as long as possible!

Lifes too short to dwell on things that don't matter!

I'm so privileged to have known such a wonderfully Inspiring person xxxxx