It's nice to see I'm not the only one on my journey to being a yummy mummy that's for sure! The profile's I've read since joining have all been so poistive and so motivating. Go us! X
Hi Lauren,
My aunt swears by Zumba she loves it!! They do do classes near me but I'm so unfit since having my little girl I haven't exactly been exercising so I'm a bit wary about putting myself out there! Let me know how it goes and what you thought of it. It sounds a lot of fun...maybe I'll rope someone to do it with me! X
hey, my hubby is away in the Gulf at the moment he's in the Navy so know how you feel xxx he is home in December has already been away for nearly 3 months so I'm hoping to surprise him with a new wife on his return. I have lost 12lb in 2 weeks and weigh in 3 tomorrow although this week has been really hardhad lots of things on and have ate a few things but tried to stick to the protein. My clothes are hanging off me so fingers crossed I've done ok xxx lovely to see someone in a similar situation to myself (obv not lovely our hubbies being away) oh and I have a 2 yr old boy xx
you amaze me with how positive you are!!its so nice to see!!!
i love reading your story. Im married to an ex squaddy (he left the army in April 08) so I know what army life is like.
Hugs to you and thanks for your inspiration x
Yes definately! I'm a size 14 was going up to 16 and I'm unbelievably unfit! Saying that since the diet I don't get out of breath so much so I'm heading the right way!
Btw your comment about trick or treaters made me laugh! X
oh fab! seems like theres loads of us! what reg was hubby in??
im not inspiring sweet, i will be when iv lost stones and stones lol xxxx
oh absolutely hun, give it a whirl! let me go tomorrow and let u know lol and then i will help u brave and bite the bullet lol
ah can u imagine trick or treaters lol xx
my beautiful girl just rolled over from her back to her front for the first time!!
shes been able to go from front to bak for ages but just refuses to go back to front! shes been doing it all night!
she was desperately trying so decided to start flming her on my phone and caught the first time ever! means hubby can see exactly what i saw!! put it on facebook so so made up!!!
yeah hun shes my first! fel pregnant when i was 21 so a bit of a shock! but the best present ever!!
she says - dada, mama, nana, baba, ermmm and a load sof jumble ha im sure she knows exactly what shes sayin! i swear she said Chicken dippers once to hahaha
thats lovely that they are a similar age, will be nice to find out how Bella is doing!!
lissy is rolling all over the place now and rocking on her hands and knees so reckon she will be off soon!!
good day today, not doing much, wrote a letter to hubby telling him all about our plans for this week, and not been a bit phased by the diet today..
weathers crappy but hey ho, only got to venture out to the post office today and thats about it!
ah sweet, excuse the language but what a dick! if hes not interested then its his loss! and maybe he will fall down a hole somethere in afghanistan and never be found! lol
aww i bet your mum is over the moon, i told my mum about lissy saying nana and she said "oooooh she loves me" haha yeah of course she does mum! ha
thats lissys trick, im forver stuffing baby wipes back in the packet lol and shelikes slobbering on her nappies to!
ah thanks chick, will let you know how it goes, if i needed oxygen etc hahaha xxx