Congratulations you are doing so well. My husband was in the Army so I know what you are on about as far as 'some' Army wives - Don't let them get to you, they are jealous. Most of them probably really admire you and your determination.
You are fantastic to do what you have done and you should be so proud of yourself
Hi Annie, thankyou for posting! its always lovely to hear from other ladies who have been in the same boat sort of thing!
im over it now, was upset for a while, but where does that get you... so back with avengance, adn even more determined to be skinnier, prettier and a whole lot nicer than all of them put together lol xxx
Hi Hon, how are you? You are doing soooo amazingly well! Don't worry about those horrible, bitter, jealous wives. You are sooo much better than them. You don't need them -you have us!
I'm so pleased for you, hon, and I'm almost as excited as you whilst watching your countdown for Peter to get home! LOL.
Hope you have a great day. xx
Hi beautiful!
ahh thankyou for being wonderful, i havnt let it get to me, decided there was no point and i wasnt going to let it ruin my day, so here i am, smile and all! ooh were in the teens now tess, so so so soon!!! cant wait really cant describe how happy i will be when i see him!! have a lovely day sweet hope your all ok xxxxx
eurgh, nothing worse then a group of women having a good old gossip cos their lives arent interesting enough... i bet each and everyone of them individually actually admire you for how far you've come and done, but none of them had the balls to stand up and say it so just carried on *****in!
who cares what you used to weigh, thats a distant memory now, and you're going to look like a bronzed goddess compared to those

you're hubby gonna be coming home to a foxy new wife

he wont be able to keep his paws off you, dont get upset babe
hi sweet!!
lol at peter and his grubby afghan paws, i can gurantee theyw ont be any where near me until iv seen him bleech from head to toe haha
thanks babe, your absolutely right, im over it, they can go and run lol, im so determined to make them all feel even more crappy about themselves now as thats teh only reason they would all sit and *****! anyways, onwards and downwards, nothing can get this smile off my face, its soooo exciting how close i am til homecoming now!! xxxx
Hi Sweetheart x
I may look into getting this 30 day shred

. And as an ex army wife all I can say is the others are really jealous of you!

as you look fabulous (and have always been pretty!) so take no notice and as another lady said you have us

You are my role model and I hope to tell you how well I'm doing in the future. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
oh my goodness dont make me your role model chikc youl be at the bottom of a bag of donuts before u know it hehe
yeah i cant wait to hear how your getting on hun, its so motivating seeing other people just get on with it, i cant imagine how hard this diet would be if i was miserable!!
hope your ok sweet, adn thanks for being lovely, its gone over my head, so far opver, i cant see it anymore! xxxxxx
Aw love you know you are a better person than them!
Let them laugh and talk but you will have the last laugh when you're the most beautiful wife there waiting for you hubby.
Military wifes are the worst right! My brothers gf had a bit of bother with some of them when my brother was out there. I swear they have nothing more interesting to do with their non existant lives! :giggle:
You are doing fab girly. Keep it up.
Oh and what an earth is a sun shower?!!!!!!!!!
lol Tan its a stand up sun bed... i think i m ay have to get peter to buy me one haha its sooo much easier than going to the sunbed shop!!
my plan is to make them all green with envy on homecoming day haha, sod doing this for lissy and peter, im doing it for revenge hahah kidding!
how are you babe??
All I can add to what the other fab girls have said about those army wives is that they are prob worried that their hubbies are going to be looking at you and thinking what a lucky b****r Peter is, and for once they would be right!!!!
Hold that head up high chick, you've done amazing x
hi my beautiful suze!! thanks for being lovely hun, i let it get to me and thats annoyed me more than anything! but im over it now, and my god am i looking forward to wiping the smirk off their faces!!
hope your ok sweet xxxxxx
Ignore those cowbags Beautiful - you are and will have the last laugh. I really can't be doing with bitter and twisted types who have nothing to do then sit around b****ing. You have done a fab job and should rightly be proud of what you have achieved - you're an inspiration.
You sound so happy and content right now and all you need is for Hubby to come home to you and all will be well in Lauren and Lissy world

Enjoy the sunshower xx
ah your so right Sha! i cant believe how happy i will be in the next 2 weeks! so much so, thats all i care about now lol, they can piss off lol, lifes too shor tto worry about jealous people!! its preapring me for the road ahead im sure there will be more!!