alcohol !!

I totally agree with starlight it's not worth the risk like another post on here I find it hard to come out of ketosis and it takes me three or four days a fact proved by me going out thinking I was 'safe' and not remembering anything after my second drink due to being passed out in the corner! I also suffered for days after feeling dizzy and sick I was really ill! If I know I'm going to drink when I'm in ketosis I will eat a piece of brown toast for supper for four days before drinking in ketosis can be fatal! Not just bad you could die! I like a drink but I don't like it enough to risk my life! Which is what u risk by drinking in ketosis
it really concerns me that the fact Exante doesnt have councellors/classes or an official forum, Minimins is where most people come for real advice and take what theyre told at face value. Lets face it although we can email Exante, who does as a rule, its not like CD where you can double check with your councellor.

If people chose to ignore guidelines AFTER theyre armed with all the correct info thats their choice and their health theyre gambling with but it really worries me too when people pass on their own bad choices to other people as 'ok'

A lot more scary, is the thought that there are people doing this at home alone, with NO internet support!
When people tell me my diet is dangerous, I tell them that it is only dangerous if you don't bother to research and understand what you are doing :)
A lot more scary, is the thought that there are people doing this at home alone, with NO internet support!

In a lot of ways thats probably safer! That way youd only use the Exante site and contact them direct for advice and not be getting bad advice which often happens online
Poor Rose she asked a simple question - I hope she hasn't been scared off by the deluge of advice, she hasn't come back to this thread. I hope you enjoyed your night out Rose.
Hi everyone , sorry havent been bk been a busy weekend . Thanks for all of your replys and advice on drinking on exante . Well i did goout .my friends know what diet i was on and i stressed to them if i feel ill to send me home . I had a brill nite i didnt drink loads and spaced my drinks out . Yes i was merry but didnt feel ill , After reading the posts i will be giving alcholol a miss untill im eating foos again . I dont want to harm my body in the future. Once again thank you .
I'm glad you had a lovely night. It won't be too long until you're training yourself to have real food and then you can include alcohol if you want to.
Maybe Minimins should make a stand on this one way or another across all the forums. For instance, if you go over and read the Atkins forum you'll find that they almost promote being able to drink and lose weight on the diet.

I never knew there was a problem with it until I read it here, personally I stay off the alcohol anyway because I've found in the past that it leads to cheating.
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Hang on! alcohol is 'permitted' in strict moderation on Atkins, but better (obviously) avoided totally. And it is not all alcohol, rather it is the lowest carb alcohol such as vodka, gin or other spirits and some wines (not sweet wines or indeed sweet alcoholic drinks of any kind).'

Moderation is the key to Atkins and this applies all the more to booze. The reason for unwise drinking is that many believe that because calories are not limited - merely carbs - the booze will not kick them out of ketosis. Technically this may be correct. However the booze is very high in calories - shockingly high for something so innocent-looking - and most find that booze makes them hungry. Their resolve weakens and they eat anyway - and not just low carb.

As with any food and eating plan the official guidelines as expressed in the books are NOT BEING FOLLOWED. When people go out on binge drinking sessions they are not doing Atkins, they are deviating from plan. People are human and many just love to go out for a drink. This is not the fault of the diet!

Booze is not only dangerous to health when low-carbing it is also likely to cause stalls and even regains as well as increased appetite and decreased willpower lol. Drinking to excess is not approved on any diet that I have ever heard of. Nor is suddenly losing control and eating half the contents of the kitchen cupboard in one evening. Yet that happens too, all the time, even without booze.

I stopped drinking completely a couple of months back. I am dealing with a slight regain and making excellent progress. I did not want my occasional social drinking to interfere with either my ketosis or my weight loss. Booze makes me hungry. I lost a lot of weight on CD years back. It is stressed on TFR diets that alcohol should be avoided. It is stressed on Atkins that it should be avoided during Induction. Only later, when more carbs are being eaten, should the occasional drink or two be included. Understandably in social situations good intentions can go out of the window. 'Just one drink' often leads to another, and another until finally the dieter ends up in the Chinese takeaway. We've all done it!
T (and presumably youll be out of ketosis?)

I'm guessing not, Atkins state that you can drink alcohol in moderation once you have completed induction. When you are in phase 2 you only eat 25 grams of carbs.

girlygirl1 - I wasn't saying that Atkins promoted it, I was talking about the forum. When I'd read the earlier reply asking someone to refrain from advising people to drink I had assumed starlight was saying it with her moderator "hat" on, having read it again I I may have been wrong.

Anyway, here's a thread from the atkins forum where the question is being asked.
