Thanks everyone

I went to see the nurse last night, and the result was a 2lb gain over the past two and a half weeks since I saw her

When I got home, I got around to updating my ticker (I usually do it according to her scales rather than mine) but I ended up getting myself all confused. She weighs me in kilos, I weigh in stones, and the ticker is in pounds, so you can see how I get muddled (it doesn't take much!)
So I've decided to update it according to the work scales on a Wednesday - that way, I get to keep a weekly track of things, rather than every 2-3 weeks at the doctors.
So onto the food diary. Yesterday was pretty good:
Spicy couscous salad (230 cals) with 2 Ryvita, Philly Light, coleslaw & beetroot.
Alpen Light bar
Piri Piri chicken & rice (400cal) with stir fry veg (strange combination)
WW Toffee Sundae desert
And today:
Usual breakfast
Ham sandwich with watercress/spinach/rocket salad, beetroot, coleslaw, pickled onions
3 pieces of Galaxy Bubbles chocolate and a half a mug of milky coffee (bad day in the office)
And tonight I'm having spinach and ricotta canelloni with veg and some kind of desert
Feeling a bit crap today to be honest - work is hard, and I've managed to p!ss my boss off by pointing out something she did wrong. I was there from 7.30 this morning and didn't leave til 6 this evening, so it's been a long day.
The nice weather kinda isn't helping either (although I do love it!). I feel like I should be out there doing something, rather than just working, coming home, eating and sleeping. It's times like this that I feel like I'm existing rather than living, and although I know it's irrational because I've just been on my jollies for a week, I just can't help feeling like that.
R got in touch last week as well, so I think that's shaken me up. He wanted to meet up last Tuesday but I was away, so we just exchanged a couple of texts and agreed to meet up 'soon' - whenever that may be! I know I should just leave it now, it's been almost two months since we met, with barely any contact, but there's something that's stopping me calling it a day, even though I know it's not doing me any good.
Men eh?
Anyway, that's enough rambling and self-pity for tonight.