It's horrible isn't it? I never used to be like this. When I was younger, I could go out two or three nights in a row, and still be fine. Now it takes me two days to recover from just one night out!
Anyway, this is my food diary for the past couple of days, starting with Monday:
Small jacket spud with leftover Chilli
Homemade mushroom risotto (ww recipe)
WW chocolate mini stick lolly
Felt really chuffed with myself because I had a friend round for dinner, and resisted the chocolate desert she bought with her (she wasn't offended - I did warn her beforehand!) I did stick my finger in the chocolate, just to taste it, but I don't think that counts!
Tuesday, I ate:
Heinz tomoto soup
1 slice tesco grainy bread
1 tesco chocolate eclair

(someone bought cakes in for their birthday, and I decided to treat myself)
Dinner was a bit strange - I worked late, so didn't fancy cooking when I got home. Instead, I had a Ryvita, some rye bread, Philadelphia light, and half a Tuna Light Lunch thing (I did say it was strange!

After that, I had a hot chocolate with Baileys in it, and a Curly Wurly.
Probably had a bit more than I should've had yesterday, but it wasn't out of control.
Anyway, it was weigh-in day at work, and I lost 3 and a half pounds

That takes me to 1st 1lb since the New Year!!

arty0019: Not updating my ticker yet because I'm waiting to be weighed offically at the doctors next week, and those scales are different than mine so it might not be quite as good.