I hate cap sleeves too

although I feel less self conscious wearing them than tops with no sleeves at all.
It really frustrates me that there are so many gorgeous clothes out there, but they just aren't made with curvy girls in mind. Even Evans and New Look (Inspire) are full of clothes that I just know would look terrible on me. Leggings (I have big podgy knees), skinny jeans (same reason), strappy/strapless tops, short shorts....the list goes on!
But I'm with you on that Rach...if it's hot, it's better to swallow any self-consciousness and wear whatever you're comfortable in.
It's funny really - I see lots of other plus-size ladies wearing sleeveless tops, and I don't bat an eyelid, but when I go out wearing one I feel like peoples eyes are just drawn in to my bingo wings!
At the moment I'm scouring Ebay to see if I can get a few clothes to tide me over until I manage to lose a bit of weight - I nearly had a meltdown when I was packing to come over to The Man's on Friday, as I just seem to have worn everything a million times already!
Anyway, enough of that. This week's been alright diet-wise since Wednesday - I've been sticking to my daily points, and used a few weekly ones for some beers with The Man last night.
About to have a stir-fry now for tea...
Hope everyone is having a good weekennd
love me x