All by myself and dragging the husband along!

Just got the call, bungle didn't make it and I've shed some tears. Maybe I shouldn't have named them. Our maybe the progesterone is making me moody. We've still got zippy and George and are really lucky with that outcome. I wanted to go pick bungle up but I've consented to him being used for training embryologists which is the right thing to do. I'm crying over 6 cells you can't even see! Consoling myself with a chunk of cake and a cuppa.

Ah the biggest ever hugs Emma, you're bound to be upset about Bungle. Who'd have thought a pineapple would help Zippy stick, amazing! X
So sorry! Wishing zippy and George a healthy journey!
I've been so naughty sw wise. I have the odd day on plan but then absolutely ruin it.
So official test day is Monday but I crumbled when other women who transferred the same day as me had official dates Friday and Saturday. And it looked positive!
Trying to wait for Monday to be excited with the official test and there's a long way to go yet.
I'm still bloated and my size 16 jeans are too snug for comfort so I need to get back on sw. However the roofers started fibre glassing my roof with chemicals that are bad for zippy so I'm in the local travel lodge banished from home until the smell goes. This and sw does not mix
Hello Emma, how are you doing? X
Hello Emma, how are you doing? X
Hi tibbs
Just peed on my third test. So that's 4-5 weeks pregnant! Feels weird using the p word. Even weirder is the b word. But one hurdle at a time.
I have had to leave home and lounge in hotels for a bit as the roofers are still using chemicals. Haven't stepped on the scales and a bit scared of the results. My size 16 jeans feel tight and my size 18 feel way too big. When I've got those size 18s I've always got straight back on plan.
How are you doing?


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Ah Emma, I am over the moon for you :wee: lovely to see that pic too.
Hotel living must make it hard sticking to plan, any idea when you'll be able to go home? Did you get a list of things to avoid from the hospital or did you just know? I wouldn't have thought about the stuff the roofers are using.
Are you still able to have your zoats for breakfast or does it feel like you're on a long work travel being in hotels? You'll be able to get back on plan as soon as you get home and before long you're 16’s will be comfy again ( and to be happy stretched again as you get a bump) Martianmallow who was on the quarterly challenge has just posted that she's pregnant too.
I'm not too bad thanks. More or less done the elimination and found the culprits, though I still can't decide if I have a wheat intolerance or if it's yeast. I'm waiting to see dietician but that's not until May. I've just jumped ship again and gone back to CC and MFP again though still more or less using SW recipes, I have trouble with portion control on SW and tend to eat the lot rather than one portion!
Take care and big woo hoo hugs to both you and your husband X
Ah Emma, I am over the moon for you :wee: lovely to see that pic too.
Hotel living must make it hard sticking to plan, any idea when you'll be able to go home? Did you get a list of things to avoid from the hospital or did you just know? I wouldn't have thought about the stuff the roofers are using.
Are you still able to have your zoats for breakfast or does it feel like you're on a long work travel being in hotels? You'll be able to get back on plan as soon as you get home and before long you're 16’s will be comfy again ( and to be happy stretched again as you get a bump) Martianmallow who was on the quarterly challenge has just posted that she's pregnant too.
I'm not too bad thanks. More or less done the elimination and found the culprits, though I still can't decide if I have a wheat intolerance or if it's yeast. I'm waiting to see dietician but that's not until May. I've just jumped ship again and gone back to CC and MFP again though still more or less using SW recipes, I have trouble with portion control on SW and tend to eat the lot rather than one portion!
Take care and big woo hoo hugs to both you and your husband X

I had horrific urticaria for years. Looked like a giraffe with blotches that were so painful. Tried elimination sorts but my response was so long couldn't find what it was. I suspect it's tomatoes, wine, peppers and processed foods in general. So maybe something like sulphites. Well done you for getting it down to two culprits.
I've read the online sw advice and your not allowed to drop weight on sw whilst pregnant unless midwife involved etc. I still think I'm bloated around the waist as my ovary went from a walnut size to a melon and needs time to settle but doesn't explain my expanding thighs lol.
I will have to try and find this quarterly challenge.
I'm back home Thursday and will get on plan. Got a work trip to Antwerp next week and hubby is coming along and we are taking 4 extra days there as holiday so since I can't have beer the chocolate and waffles might be needed lol. Got to try and control it though.
Doesn't seem real at all. That's the third stick I've peed on for the same result and want to pee on more lol.
Seriously Hun just forget the diet just concentrate on looking after yourself . Loads of fruit and veg and eat healthy you can't go wrong. You will prob find won't want to eat much anyway nornally loose appetite
Next hurdle is the scan. He needs to be away from my tube and heart pumping away. One hurdle at a time
It'll be lovely having some time out in Antwerp with your husband and to have the time together relaxing and letting it sink in that you're pregnant.
Do people know yet or are you keeping it to yourself just now?

I've found quite a few things causing reactions and has taken ages, the bread/ yeast thing is the one I'm still trying to work out. Most processed foods have caused reactions of various degrees, I've found xanthan gum, carrageenan, Guar gum, magnesium Stearate (in some of my meds) and a few more are a big problem and are in processed foods.
It's like a mine field out there. I already knew I had an egg allergy & dairy & lactose intolerant but was shocked to see allergy alerts for these on pre prepared veg like carrot sticks etc that I'd been using a lot of and wondering why I was bad!

Here's the link for the current challenge, ends in March. Kay always runs them for 12wks & they're good support. She's not well at the moment but usually starts the next one (Apr, may June) at end of the current one. You just add your name to it, you could always use it to keep an eye on your weight if you liked without actually dieting couldn't you?
Page 1 explains it X
Hi all. I'm 8 weeks 5 days. Had two scans already and all is well. Zippy is a fan of carbs and cheese. I have no kitchen still although it's arrived and scattered across several rooms but the cement floor isn't dry enough! Junk food is on the menu but I'm still just bouncing on the 14 stone mark.
I read that if you are pregnant and at sw group they won't let you lose our even tell you your weight. Not really sure what the point in going would be. I know eating like this, I will be punished with gains sooner or later and promise to get on track in a week or so when my kitchen gets done. The blooming bathroom outside hasn't even been plastered so more dust will be coming dam it
So I'm approaching 14 and a half stone at 10 weeks +5 and I don't like it. The fetus is not in my thighs or arse so no excuse for jeans not fitting there. This is the weight where alarm bells ring and I quickly get back on plan. We have most kitchen items in now including hot and cold water to the sink (although the sink doesn't drain faster than two drops a minute!).
Midwife want concerned but I am. We all know it's a slippery slope. I've been eating fast food and your not meant to put on in the first trimester, the bub is only 38mm! Can't blame the bub. Midwife says can put on 12.5kg no problem over whole pregnancy but I really don't want to
Hi Emma, how are you? You might like to contact Jenny, she's pregnant and doing SW. Her diary is Healthy pregnancy on SW. @Jenny_b X
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:) Just checking to see if you've been here ((X))