Well I've been hiding from this site for a while.
Whenever someone tells me "I tried a VLCD but stayed the same" I have to admit I never believed them. "How can you live on 800 calories a day and not lose weight?" I used to think to myself. Surely it's scientifically impossible?
So I jumped on the scales on 6th sept convinced I'd have a good loss following the disappointing 2lb loss the week before, and BOOM! It happened to me. No progress towards my goal. No reward for doing without all bleedin week. I'd stayed the same. So out went the shakes and water and in came the chocolate.
i can't do this anymore. Exante was the only diet where as long as I stuck to it I was guaranteed to lose weight. Well not anymore. I've decided that perhaps being the fatty of the group is just my place in life.
God I sound like such a miserable b?gger. But I so needed this loss for my holiday. I needed some positivity and motivation.
And to top this? On Monday I fell down a curb while I was at work, tore the ligaments in my right foot, pulled my back and injured my left knee so not only will I be a holiday chubster, but I am also black and blue and can barely hobble around the house. I think being off sick and stuck inside has probably not helped my mood.
I'm going to try to drive the car today as i haven't even been able to do that. I'm going to a friends birthday tomorrow night, then might have another bash at Exante for the last few days before I go away if I can muster up the motivation.......