AllyKat's diary

Yeah, I might try and turn it into one weigh in after next week. I wanted to be sure I could tell if I as losing/gaining on the switch-over of diets. I gt weighed at 5:30pm in my old diet. First thing in the morning might be a more accurate week in week out weigh in (not due to clothes/food eaten/water drunk). Any thoughts?

I'm on my first 2nd full day and I am really loving food! So far today I've had egg and bread (trying to keep this as a regular breakfast as its quick, hot and filling), a mince pie, jacket potato, ham, baked beans and salad. I need to get some fruit and milk in later but I stil have 10 points to play with! I might also get a Boots shapers mint bar....Mm.....
I'm going to a friends for lasagne tomorrow night - guessing 13 points and to an evening craft night at Church where there will be mulled wine and mince pies!

Anyone know the points for mulled wine?

I am trying to 'manage my thoughts' in WW speak. I know the danger time for me is evening. Ooooohhhh a little bit of chocolate, oh that tasted good, oooooh a little more. I desrve it/want it/need it/stuff the diet/why should I diet anyway....
My strategies:
baths (possible to eat in baths but its not ideal:p)
No point soup on stand-by in the freezer
A little of what I fancy in the points
Catch the thoughts early and stop/distract/reason.

There is no-way I'm going to go through the whole WW journey (lifelong-change) without tripping up/dealing with sts and gain weeks.. cross those bridges when I reach them.

glad you're enjoying your eggs, though remember to keep to max 6 a week as they are bad for your cholesterol levels.

I would WI on a morning - that means its over and done with first thing, and means you wont be tempted to skip meals so you will weigh less!

no point soup wise, carrot and ginger is lovely - really thick and you would think creamy but just the texture :) 0pts and a nice change from carrot and coriander or normal vegetable.

Evening is my danger time too - i dont know how your work life is, but if I can I knock my breakfast / lunch back an hour later and that means I can wait an extra hour for tea. I used to eat as soon as I came home from work but now I take time out for an hour - have a big glass of water and sit and either come on here, read a book or watch some telly and then make tea. Means I tend to snack less as I'm full until later in the evening :)

Little bit of chocolate-wise, curly wurlies are only 2.5pts and cadburys fudges only 2 so maybe keep a couple around the house should you have a chocolate craving :) much better than 5-6pts for a normal bar of cadburys! Fun-size bags of maltesers are only 2.5 (i think, will have to double check) too :) xx
Great advice - thank you! I will go for the morning weigh in then... very good advice that there is not messing around with the diet that way to get a lower reading on the scales! I like your idea of having meals an hour later - I'll try that and it would help with evening snacking. I hadn't realised that about eggs (not having eaten them before) - I'll have to find an alternative breakfast and maybe alternate. Mmmmmm to the chocolate tips. I'm not at all controlled with chocolate in the flat but there is a newsagents two minutes walk away who sell both of those - thank you.

I bought the Weight Watchers magazine in W H Smiths today and was asked if I would like a Terrys Chocolate Orange with it!
back on the eggs, just been reminded.. poached egg and a potato waffle (3pts total) is a nice change for breakfast! :) or now its getting cold - oats so simple is what everyone else is having.. me, i'm having shreddies, and its a great way to get your milk in you - you easily need half a pint to drown them correctly :D
I always thing of the adverts with the guy getting 'locked up till lunchtime' when I hear shreddies.

There is food everywhere! Just been to a play (am dram) and there was ice cream available in the interval and I was offered wine gums and malteasers. Not to mention sugary soft drinks.... Funny how you start to notice all the times you would just have a little bit of this or that.
I always thing of the adverts with the guy getting 'locked up till lunchtime' when I hear shreddies.

LOL! That brings back memories!

You sound like you have it down to a T with the bath/no-point soup.

Hope you are having a good day x
AllyKat's diary - bizzare hunger

I'm having to plan my points carefully today as I'm out a friend's tonight - she's cooking lasgane and then on to a Christmas craft night whereh there will be mulled wine and mince pies - I fancy some mulled wine.

The thing is on the way back from a meeting, about 2:30pm I suddenly really wanted to eat...especially chocolate. It's strange because I only had lunch two hours before and had low/medium GI food at breakfast and lunch. So it must be habit/emotional/boredom. I don't have spare points today so no choccy bar but funny how the thoughts just creep in. I definitely associate driving home with nipping to a shop for a quick sugar fix!
hi ally and welcome.

i can identify with your story - i was an adult size 16 at the age of 10!

i'm doing core and have lost nearly 2 stone so if you want to give core a try and want any help, feel free to give me a shout.

you sound like you're getting off to a really good start though x
Wow Karenlou- that's great. Yeah, being overweight at age 10 sucks - I think that was the one and only time I ever fitted anything from Topshop!
There is food everywhere! Just been to a play (am dram) and there was ice cream available in the interval and I was offered wine gums and malteasers. Not to mention sugary soft drinks.... Funny how you start to notice all the times you would just have a little bit of this or that.

I think you have hit the nail on the head right there Ally. Noticing how often you would have put food in your mouth when you didn't need it (just wanted it...or not even that you wanted it, it was just there) is terrifying

Paul McKenna's weight loss system (not done it but read the book!!!) swears by the concept of "conscious eating" - chewing really slowly and thinking about what and why you are eating.

Well done on being strong so far

Rosie x
hey, hope you're doing okay.. just wanted to pop in and cheer you on a little :D :party0011:
Have fallen off the wagon humungous style. Joinging sliming world class with a friend tonight - a new regime and friends to go to a class with may help. I need to do this.....
Thank you! The damage was 8lb since last official weigh in..... och well, will get it off again soon. Am enjoying Day 1. Am trying not to get fixated on certain weight losses this time and just thinking about being lighter and healthier next Christmas.

Thanks for the encouragement.