Ticket sites are bugging me. Bowling For Soup do VIP packages for all their shows, well o2 presale is today, every show goes through to ticketweb who don't put VIP on presale only standard tickets, the only one that goes though to Ticketmaster to get VIP is Manchester...guess which was the only show me and my friend decided we were going on normal tickets for and not VIP...oh yeah...Manchester. So I've got my normal manchester tickets while the VIP option stares me in the face...and can't get my VIP Leeds and Birmingham tickets until at least tomorrow (thats providing Live Nation put VIP on presale). If all the sites went through to Ticketmaster i'd have all my tickets by now!
Rant over
Breakfast: choc porridge, ww yog
Lunch: Chicken with nandos bbq rub and salad, kiwi, banana
Tea: Tuna sandwich, banana, nectarine
HEa: milk
Hea: 2x babybels
Heb: porridge
Heb: bread
Syns: bournville highlights 2, mayo 1, 2x jaffa cake 5, 5x gummi bears 2, gum 1, 3x packs fridge raiders 6, chocolate orange 10.5
Total syns: 27.5
Free Snacks: prepacked fruit
I'm at a gig tonight too, don't know the band particularly well but one i've wanted to see for a while none the less. Got my sandwiches to take with me to save me from McD's