Ally's Diary - take two

Eeek! Don't be too hard on yourself, just make them up where you can. Enjoy your gig! I have got one in May - am really looking forward to it as haven't been to one in AGES. x
Haha i've been 5 already this year, got another 11 booked so far, mum says i'm addicted :p i won't be too hard, i don't expect to make them all up, but will try too where I can :)
Too over excited!! Need to calm down *breathe* Probably going to be worse tomorrow haha
Ok last night was amazing. Dancing straight for an hour and half, the lead singer (who I have a crush on) grabbed hold of my hand during my fave song and sang it to me, afterwards it my photo with him and my ticket signed, Erik (who is in one of my other fave band sand was supporting) recognised me (no surprise since I've met him multiple times) and signed my ticket.. It was amazing. And i get to do it all again today with meet and greet

No idea what I'm doing for food today, had 2 plums for breakfast and not had anything else since. And already walked 1 mile to the train station, walking there again later, then round sheff and dancing again tonight... I may be dead tomorrow.
:) was just as good last night too, met the crazy band, got free merch, sung my fave song just for me... Yeah it was awesome. Totally off plan though, macdonalds for tea... Yet the amount if dancing i did im sure burnt it off.
P1050325-1.jpg <-- Me and the singer of Patent Pending, who I very much have a crush on. Everyone else has seen it so thought I might as well post it on here too :p

Breakfast: bacon sandwich, ww yog, plum
Lunch: ham salad
Tea: ww lemon greek style fromage frais, 1/2 portion special fried rice from chinese with extra prawns i've added myself

Hea: 2x babybel
HEb: bread

Syns: ww fromage frain 0.5, special fried rice 5, 2x dash of milk 1, oreo ice cream cone 10
Total syns: 16.5
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My throat is so sore today i've half given up on eating, and i can't be bothered making my curry, might have it tomorrow instead.
And we have decided to have a take away...having a special fried rice, should still be within syns, but will convert my red to a ee day.
I lost one of my beautiful babies tonight (one of my rats), she's been sick ages and had a stroke in the week and she's gone downhill fast since, so she ended up on a one way trip to the vets :(
Feel better about it this morning, still got her sister, who very unceremoniously woke me up this morning by licking my face to death (think she thinks she's a dog)

Breakfast: boiled egg and soldiers
Lunch: ww yog, milky bar crispy rolls
Tea: southern style jambalaya

Hea: milk
Heb: bread

Syns: marg 1, chorizo 2.5, milky bar crispy rolls 6.5, rocky 5.5
Total syns: 15.5
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My lunch basically sums up how crap i feel today, caught dad's flu bug, mega sore throat, cough, blocked nose etc etc. Don't much feel like eating, but will still make my jambalaya for tea i think
I don't know myself tbh, we're best friends, I like him probably more than as a friend and I know he still likes me like that but I don't really want to be anymore, not yet anyway, but now his ex crush is back on the scene and is now apparently showing an interest in him, it's made me half jealous but also half not sure what I want. So I left it up to him, he could wait forever and i dont change my mind on the relationship front or he can go do whatever, cos right now I don't know if i love him enough to be more than friends, or whether that's just my psycho ex and the damage he left in my brain.
Feel really rough this morning. Dad and his flippin germs.

Breakfast: branflakes
Lunch: jambalaya, melon and strawberries
Tea: ?

HEa: milk
Heb: branflakes

Syns: chorizo 2.5, 5x spearmint polos 1.5, chocolate finger 1.5, 3x mint werther 3.5, haribo jelly baby 1
Total syns: 10
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Haha yeah, Joe is rather gorgeous, surprised I actually managed to string together sentences when i was around him both days haha Saying that the memory of being inches away from his sweaty body does send me all of a flutter (even more so when i think about the few millimetres separating my nose from his naked stomach at one point on friday haha).