Almost Half Way - A reflection on how I'm changing (including pictures)

you look fabulous ! awesome job on on your success so far and continued luck to reach your goal !! you'll be wowing them at Graduation ! :D
Ha!, thanks everyone, I'm barely even half way there, but you're all very encouraging!


Sorcerer - I have a diary in the diary section, pretty much details just about everything you've asked.

But, I think the thing that tipped it for me was leaning over the toilet trying to make my self throw up the epic amount of cheese I'd just eaten. I've never been bulemic (can't be, i actually don't seem to have a strong enough gag reflax, no matter what i did I couldn't puke), and I've always listened to stories about bulemia and though 'really? people really do that?' but it was just that sheer desperation to undo what I'd done.

I'd been going on walks when uni finished but i hadn't moved out of halls yet, and I'd decided (for the hundreth time) that i was going to try and lose some weight, I've decided this every 6 months since I was about 10 probably.

So, I was going on the walks, and eating...well, not healthily, but less. And then that one day I had a bowl of soup, with basically an entire block of cheese in it (it goes all melty and yum) and then, basically as soon as I'd finished it, I realised how stupid it was. Hence my leaning over the toilet.

I decided that, that was it, and just started trying to eat healthily and doing a bit more exercise. Then I joined up here and learnt about calorie counting, and then some friends on here encouraged me to join the gym, and here we are....

Wow...ramble much?


Red-riding-hood: Thanks, I do midd the pink every now and then, but I think I've out-grown it now, plus it's so expensive to keep dying it, and I'm brassic, lol.

Again, thanks everyone! I've been having a bit of a wobble due to the stress of uni deadlines, but you're all so supportive, and so inspiring!

Best wishes!
hi Pink, or ex Pink!
I've only just seen you fab post and pics.
Well done you. What a change.
Also - your list.
I think many of us can relate to most of those.
I certainly can, apart from the piercings.
By the way, what's a scaffold? Where does it go?
Strawberry - it deffinately is, those small changes are what you really notice day to day, not the actual being slimmer in itself.

Max - Thanks :) It does feel like that was someone else before...madness.

Slendablenda - your pictures are amazing! You've changed so much! I always notice those piks when I see you around the site and thinl 'wow!'.

A scaffold is in your ear, its at the top, in the cartillage, and basically you have one hole on the outside of your ear, and another on the inside, like near your head, and then instead of having 2 rings or whatever, you have one long bar that goes through both holes...if you catch my drift.
And there was me thinking it was the scaffold pop group, well they did sing "Lily the pink, the pink the pink"

and thank you xxx
Well done Pink on your weight loss, you look amazing. x
Haha, aye, not the most comfortable of piercings to get done, but oh well.

Thanks Wannabe :)

This is the first time since before xmas that I've had 2 losses in a row, and some of that is down to you guys support, so thank you :)
You are looking absolutely gorgeous!! :) Fantastic results already! x
Wow you look fantastic! Well done on your weight loss :) xxxx
Ha, wow. Thanks :)
Still a fair way to go, but your kind comments really boost my motivation.
Oh wow! You look so amazing! (Loving the hair btw ;) ) Congrats on the loss so far and good luck for the losses ahead! :D
only just seen this but wow Em! you look amazing, keep going you can do it! xxx
deadteddys - loving the hair! I can't pull off blue at all, yours looks lush!

Ta Ria :D Still a way to go, unlike you who's completely blitzed it! Well done :)
Well done you:D