So lovely to have a bath instead of showers ! Lol
Well... I tried to keep as low carb as possible... Was tricky at times cos couldn't always get restaurants/cafes to understand me when I said no dressing! Lol
Just weighed myself this evening and I'm 2.5lbs more than Friday ... Which is fine as I am usually heavier in the evening and I have consumed loads of red and white wine and champagne - the brut stuff! Lol
Breakfast was easy - cold ham and cheeses with coffee and cream that I'd bought at the Intermarche
Not eaten enough (if any) veg ! But will sort that now I'm home!
Compiegne is a really lovely town - id definitely recommend that area!
He was really easy to get along with but he's very traditional - which is appealing because I'm not ... And very set in his ways ... And that balance works to a point... Then it just frustrates me! Lol
I think because he has to take beta blockers and warfarin the meds cramp his style - so that part didn't properly happen (sorry of that's too much info )
But, we get on and I know he's quite keen
I just couldn't get over how much energy I had ... I think being on holiday, away from London and the stresses of life really lifted me... And being away with a chap obviously does things to the ego ...
Now back to losing the weight! Xxx