Alpaca's stream of consciousness - IS BACK ON THE WAGON!

my sense of duty is psychopathic in the extreme! But perhaps whilst wearing a body clad in spanx I will find it impossible to move or drive which will be an excellent excuse not to visit her! Lol :) x

LMAO you are a very splendid woman, I look forward to body clad spanx pix - if that doesn't sound too pervy hehe

But seriously, guilt needs to be let go of....
Morning Susie... What's a good date for us to meet before Christmas? Hopefully with Katie and anyone else who's free - but it's been too long :)
Hi guys... I've just been sent the menu for one of the staff lunches. I just need a steer on what to choose... I'm guessing I can eat some eel although I've never had it before but can't decide on either the pheasant or bass... and obviously I'll skip the puds but will check if they have a cheeseboard.


White onion soup, trompettes, young turnips
Terrine of confit of Old Spot pork, white pudding and smoked duck, onion marmalade
Smoked eel, beetroot, horseradish cream
Grilled fennel, Lyonnaise onion and Innes goat’s curd tart, toasted pine nuts

Main course
Braised Galloway beef, soft polenta, Swiss chard, sautéed ceps and Ironbark pumpkin,
truffled pumpkin seeds
Roast breast of Yorkshire hen pheasant, confit leg, bread sauce, turnip tops, braised
salsify, Jerusalem artichoke purée, game jus
Pan fried fillet of wild Atlantic stone bass, kohlrabi, leeks, cauliflower purée, Noilly Pratt
and chive velouté
Mushroom and chestnut ‘Wellington’, red cabbage, roasted root vegetables, mushroom
cream sauce

Christmas pudding, brandy custard
Soft chocolate cake, glazed fig, port sorbet
Poached pear, Sauternes sabayon, Clementine sorbet
Rice pudding brûlée, rhubarb ice cream
Blimey that's a posh one lol. What on earth is a trompette? I thought it was a brass instrument! And the eel sounds rank but that's probably because I was forced to try jellied eel once for fear of offending and can honestly say it was the most disgusting thing I've EVER put in my mouth lol.
ps, how do you truffle a pumpkin seed?!!
Ha ha... Very true Lisa! These places drum up some really pretentious names - its just a gastro pub off Fleet St lol :)
I've eaten eel (once) and don't want to put you off, hun, but it's not as fishy as you might hope, but I guess it's all in the preparation :) I'd go the beef for the main - and why not take some Atkins choccie for your dessert?

Definitely up for a pre-Xmas meet, next week isn't too bad for me.
I would go for the confit pork to start, the Bass as main and ask for a cheese board for afters - but that is just my personal preference lol :)
Just coming up for air! have still lots to finish. But, bracing myself to call the hospital to find out arrangements for tomorrow! :sigh:
I've eaten eel (once) and don't want to put you off, hun, but it's not as fishy as you might hope, but I guess it's all in the preparation :) I'd go the beef for the main - and why not take some Atkins choccie for your dessert?

Definitely up for a pre-Xmas meet, next week isn't too bad for me.

Hi Susie ... Either Tuesday or Friday are good for me - do either work for you? :)

I think that's fine ... As long as it's not too far :)x
Ooh menu sounds good. Smoked eel is actually quite nice - nothing like the jellied stuff:)

Perhaps just relax for the main - avoid the dessert and enjoy:D
Morning Di, I like ell, both smoked and jellied. My danish Grandmother used to cook it in a mustard sauce, lovely. Yum Yum
Morning... Late start for me as I've had calls to make ...

I've decided on the eel and then pheasant - I must find an Atkins bar to have for pud ... They may let me break it up and have with cream! Or, I'll bring my own! Lol

Another 0.5lbs off - I think this is my whooshie week! Lol :)
Thanks Bren... Alpy! Slow but steady! Lol

Have just got back from hospital ... Such a long journey! But at least it's out of the way for the weekend... She's now in isolation cos she has MRSA...

Had grilled chicken breast and salad for lunch and just made sapphire and courgette and garlic stir fry with butter on watercress spinach and rocket salad topped with smoked salmon with chilli and lime juice... Very yum!

Sort of thinking about a weak vodka and soda with lime ... I left the blinking bottle of dark rum over at the ex MiL's place... Doh! Lol :)
Which hospital is she in, Di? And that's extremely bad luck, her getting MRSA - guess that means she's not going to be discharged this weekend?

Defo time to hit the voddie :D
Ha ha! Susie she's in Hillingdon Hospital... I've just poured a really small measure with loads of soda and a squeeze of lime ... Feeling very naughty - which makes me an incredibly sad person! Lol
It has an effect really quickly! Lol ... I'm such a lightweight (in drinking terms of course! Lol)