Alpaca's stream of consciousness - IS BACK ON THE WAGON!


Morning Di - if you do meet up, make sure you line up someone (I'm happy to volunteer) to be your call person if it's horrible/boring/etc. I have been on dates where I just wanted to put my head in the soup and drown myself, they were so dull (and for 20 house points, what movie did I plagiarise that from? :D)

And very well done on the loss - you are amazing!
Very exciting Di - you should definitely meet everyone....even if you need a get out of jail call:D
I definitely drank too much coffee yesterday! I spent the afternoon in Chelmsford with a friend - I bought a pair of trousers at Bonmarche size 20 and size 18... Although they were pull ons ... But great to have cheapy clothes of that size in my wardrobe (£10 each)! Lol

And some M&S knickers size 22 (sorry Jim - please avert your eyes!) lol

Can't flipping wait to be in the 16s... Seems like an eternity!! Will break open the champers when I get there as I'm still 17st exactly! And have been in the 17s for an eternity!! Lol

I've got a crazy day today... Hammersmith this morning to do a redundancy and then shooting off to St Paul's this afternoon - then need to get to Ecco to buy a pair of heels for the funeral on Friday - big day - first time in 14yrs since I've seen my ex and I want to look a million dollars ! Lol

B - Atkins
L - with colleagues in St Paul's
D - no idea yet

I wish I could take you all on the date with me! Lol... I've got so much rust on me that I need to slosh WD40 over me first... At least he's not heart meltingly gorge ... So I'll have wits about me!

Will definitely have a 'phone a friend' on stand by - thanks for the offer Susie - very kind of you - depending on whether you're busy or not you might be the 'get me outta here' person! Lol

Hope everyone has a lovely day! :) xx
roosnanny said:
watch the eyes,if one is squinty jog on.:D

You did make me chuckle Lainey! Lol x
That is a very girly question Jim! Lol ;-)

I might be meeting up with one bloke for coffee - I don't think he's my type but was a nice guy and he contacted me yesterday ... Someone else emailed me but I think he might be too weird! Even for a weirdo like me! Lol :)

LOL Di, I just wondered if these things worked :)
Well... It's early days Jim ... But you'll definitely be on my wedding guest list!!! (ha ha... As if that's ever going to happen in this millennium!) :)
Well you never know what's around the corner love.
first time in 14yrs since I've seen my ex and I want to look a million dollars ! Lol...

Will definitely have a 'phone a friend' on stand by - thanks for the offer Susie - very kind of you - depending on whether you're busy or not you might be the 'get me outta here' person! Lol

Re the ex - you SO will look a million pounds (more than dollars lol) - and very happy to be your phone a friend - just let me know when and if it's not going great, nip to the loo and text me :D

But let's be positive - it'll go great, I'm sure! :D

By the way have you tried the vibroplate yet????
Hello lovely, gorgeous friends... Just home - full on day and I screwed up a bit at Benihana Japanese restaurant...

I didn't have any rice and shook all the honey sauce from the meat but my carbs today are up! I was so stressed after the redundancy meeting this morning in Hammersmith and the rush to get over to St Paul's for the lunch that I didn't concentrate and just had what the others had! Such an idiot! Lol

Carbs today are 38g...

But I just popped into Ecco and bought shoes with a heel - not vampy shoes but they'll be good enough for the ex on Friday! Heels about 2inches I think and not a skinny heel lol

Jim please look away now - I wore black knickers with lace today from M&S!! Lol made me feel almost like a female! Ha ha

Not going to eat this evening as penance for going over board with carbs! Lol :/) xx
Evening Di,
Don't worry too much about the japanese - lots of water. I rekon you did well at 38- i find japanese one of the hardest to negotiate and it's my favourite. In the evening with sake is even more of a problem:eek: come to think of it you probably needed one after your tough morning ((hugs))

Also shoes sound good - i only wear ecco flat shoes as i like my comfort sooo much- i did branch out recently into a pair which sort of have a gortex top - sounds wierd but makes them my prettiest & girliest lol;)

Hope you are having a calm evening

Ps forgot to say - my treat to self was also lacy knickers:D
Morning all... I'm hyper-ventilating this week as its been so ridiculously busy!

Another company lunch today in Fetter Lane - but before I have to sort out Secret Santa - paperwork from yesterday, help cook breakfast with the directors for 35 staff and try and post gifts to Toronto ... Then charity art auction tonight in Holland Park somewhere !

B - egg and salmon
L - eel to start then pheasant and Atkins bar for pud
D - probably nothing as I'll be stuffed

Hope you all have good day :)
Sounds completely manic - have fun!!! :D
Cor Di, don't know how you are fitting it all in :D well done on the lacy undies, I stick firmly to their plain black Bridget Jones ones!!! xx
Me too, Bren - although roll on the day when I can buy a bra set that doesn't require world class levels of engineering to hold me all in :D

Morning Di (aka Super Woman!), you sure are busy, girl :) How was the dinner?
Morning all... Funeral today and just need to get through it without too much drama !

I will try and wear heels ...

Don't worry the knickers with a touch of lace are not what I intend to wear every day - it was just nice to be able to buy them! Lol

B - egg, bacon, mushrooms, garlic, coffee, cream

No idea what else will be eaten later!

Still 17st... Just so frustrating - but I did have rather a lot of wine yesterday - and champagne so I guess I can't grumble! Lol

Hope you all have good days:)