Alternative to the pancake???


I am on day 5 of the Attack Phase, and I've choked down the pancake each morning. I find them horrible, however I've eaten them to follow the plan. What else do you all eat instead of the pancakes for the Attack Phase or Cruise Phase?
Mix oatbran with yogurt, make it into bread, muffins, cookies etc etc
I will check out the recipe section. I've kept things so basic during this quick Attack Phase. I actually checked out the recipe book from the library recently, so I ought to check that out before I have to return it and decide if I'd like to buy it.
I mostly make muffins, and now I am well into cruise I put the low fat cocoa in them sometimes that with a coffee in the afternoon feels like a real treat. I also mix it in with yogurt and sometimes jelly crystals and leave it for a while and it goes a bit thick and yummy almost like a Cranachan
Thank you.

I made some mini muffins (2 days worth) and ate that with one slice of turkey. It was okay. I have some for tomorrow when I start the cruise phase, but I am going to keep on trying new things until something tastes good. If not, I will just suck it up, because I really like this weight loss plan otherwise. I prefer salty, crunchy foods.
I really like oatbran porridge in the morning :)
I make porridge with sweetener and vanilla flavouring or muffins or mini vanilla or almond gallettes and have a few of them as a mid morning snack. x
I make up a bunch of muffins and eat those instead of pancakes. Not tried the pancake though, but I do look forward to 2 muffins a day!
I use half my bran allowances for my porridge in the morning. Just like having normal porridge or ready brek. Very yum.
Then the other half is eaten with muffins or bread. Occasionally I use it to coat chicken or patties and fry so its crispy. Esp Scotch eggs. Very tasty.
Only ever added it to the yogurt once, wasn't bad though.

I need to get some wheat bran to make bread or crispy cracker. I may also try the oat bran on chicken and bake it.
I stopped rolling the chicken in the oatbran because it wasted it, so I now use a spoon and sprinkle it over the chicken or scotch eggs.
dukannotsofatty- So, you take the chicken breast (do you dip it in egg?), scoop the oat bran over it (and then bake it?)
No hunni, but that sounds nice LOL!!!

If I want crispy chicken, I just sprinkle the oatbran on teh outside of the chicken, I don't use any other ingredients. though I can see what you mean with the egg, as other things might dip it in egg.

Last night I made a flat scotch egg, I used turkey mince, mixed in herbs, seasonings and an egg with a small shallotts. i then flattened it out on cling film. Layered two sliced boiled eggs over half of it, then using cling film brought the other half over the top to seal in the egg. I then used a small egg cup size bowl, with my allowances in, and shook it like a salt shaker up and down the turkey mince until it was covered. Managed to flip it onto a tray and then covered the second side. Sometimes I use my fingers to just lightly press down the oabran onto the meat.

I've also found putting a mix of different herbs and spices and seasoning into a bowl, mix it well and sprinkle this on the chicken can give me a nice tasting cripsy oatbran in that one.