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Here it goes, weigh in day! 1lb off
Considering the lovely high calorie weekend I hadarty0051: and *week I am more than pleased!
1st10lb gone forever so far!!!
Well done,that's really good.
Here it goes, weigh in day! 1lb off
Considering the lovely high calorie weekend I hadarty0051: and *week I am more than pleased!
1st10lb gone forever so far!!!
God I could have written that myself strawberry. I've been so on it since January, and the last 2 weeks have been a massive struggle with multiple slip ups and I've got two STS's to show for it. The most annoying thing is I really wanted to get 2 stone off before good Friday, and if I had had a loss the last 2 weeks that was completely possible. Now it's unlikely (4lbs away). Kicking myself. Monday and Tuesday this week were a bit of a wash out but I've done Wednesday and today as success express to shake things up a bit, hopefully I'm now back on track! Well done to your dh bless him lol! You know you can do this, and so do I, because we've come so far already. But as you said, we're only human and it's ok to struggle. So shall we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and carry on being amazing? I'm in if you are lol
Thought i'd come on and commit officially to 100% sw no slips this week!!!!!
Had a lovely night out, went for an indian (although probably had less syns than usual because it was a new place and the dansak i had was surely meant to be a vindaloo!!! I am not good with spicy food so left most the sauce and just picked the meat out..my tongue is still on fire!)
Then we went to the theatre together with a pack of haribo for hubby and a treat bag of minstrels for me...needless to say i had the lot, lol!
Also i had a little ice cream tub thing, the one with the spoon in the lid...was lovely but big mistake as my tummy didn't like that amount of dairy fat at all and a lot of last night was spent on the toilet (sorry if tmi!)
Well, that's it...indulgent date night over back to normality...going shopping later to get the food for next week. I am planning to cook a batch of soup to freeze for work!
Feeling very motivated :-D :-D :-D
2lbs off woohoo That means I'm back to 14st 1lb, and my original 5 stone weight loss that I got to in 2011-12. Every pound I lose now will be a pound lighter than I've been in the last 15 years
Hi I don't have as much to lose but I'm stuck at the moment I want to lose another 12 lbs I have lost nearly 4 stone but this last bit is hard 1 week I lose then following I gain it back this has been going on for about 4 weeks like a yoyo and I'm starting to struggle to keep motivation so if u want to buddies up or just support each other I'm here