Oh no poor you, hope it's just a quick common cold and your rid soon :-( my bf's got it at the minute and font I know it!!!! It's weird though he's great with me if I'm ill and I'm fine with the kids been ill, but he's a nuisance honestly,
..the sound of my own name is annoying me!!!
..He sneezes so loud the house shakes
..he leaves used tissues at his side (urgh)
..he moans n moans n moans
..he's snappy with us 3 then wonders why we're in moods
..he wants personal assistants 24/7 (sleep what's that)
..he even asked me to PLUMP HIS PILLOWS!!!!!!!
anyway there's just a few reasons I'd rather me be ill than him lol
Haha love the fact you sent it back, wish I had a short day I'm on long till 9pm :-(
I'm Bsolutely STARVING (yes the capitals emphasise just how hungry I am) I've had my salad but it just didn't fill me, I've had 2 pints of water and still hungry but I'm bored so maybe that's playing a part.
I was on a late finish again yesterday (we're skint so doing extra long hours at minute) and I started at 8am so didn't have time to make anything with the mince so I txt bf to ask him to cook meatballs in a sauce and serve with loads of roast veg, got in and it looked delicious
I decided to do meatballs in a sauce over roasted veg as it would be syn free as I'd had all my syns in day, so got in and there it was served looking delicious before he said oh I've had to fry the meatballs in oil and the veg was done in oil...
So I ended up with a bowl of crunchy bran and milk with strawberrys on.
I have tried the butternut squash chips and the courgette pasta and even made a lasagne without the pasta sheets using courgette instead, also cauliflower rice is a favourite in our house now, I love the little tweeks.
I've decided I LOVE FOOD I admit though I'm quite greedy as well, especially with crisps or cake or treats I no are syn's I want more :-(
Wow I'm jealous of your hubby, I wish I could eat as i much. Crisps as I want and not gain weight, I suppose the exercise is a godsend, but we'll done you I certainly couldn't sit and watch someone eat crisps without getting a couple of bags myself

I keep forgetting to take a photo of my meal before I've eaten it lol