Hope you lose another stone!! Yesterday I was 100% all day, I resisted the temptation of Dry Roasted Peanuts at the pub quiz (Which we won

) and free chips, which is normally my downfall!! I have to agree with you about the Red Berry bars, I was sort of expecting some kind of Special K type bar with red berrys in it, but was disappointed when opening it and it was.....well crap
I just hope next time I lose more weight I actually keep it off, I'm attacking my weight with a three pronged attack this time, I'm goin to mix Exante, with Intermittent Fasting and for the hell of it and there are free ones on Spotify, Gastric Band Hynotherapy...
Todays Plan, not have my first shake till 12:00, which will open up my 8 hour eating window, so my bar at 4, and then my final shake just before 8. Then before bed listen to whatever Gastric Band Hypnotherapy I find

I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow