Amanda's amazingly scary start to weight loss diary!

Hi everyone!!! so I havent been to a class in weeks, one coz ive moved and two because im skint lol! I am still slowly losing weight though which is shocking and pleasing! Ive lost another 4.5lbs yay!!! Im working LOADS and pretty much walk 4 miles a day everyday so im definately getting my exercise! I just hope this continues!
How is everyone else doing? xx
Okay so ALOT has happened since I've last posted (which has been forever)! My weight is now 11st 3lbs but I'm pretty certain that it's from working an insane amount if hours and stress and not from sw especially as I had been a naughty bugger and haven't been following sw for ages! But I'm back I the game now and have been doing sw since Sunday so I'm going to re-weigh my self this coming Sunday. I'm really nervous though because I feel soo huge and bloated and not to mention ugly as sin at the moment and I'm worried that there isn't oing to be a change in my weight :-(
Uuurgh having a MAJOR bad day today!! I feel soooo damn huge today and the managers at work insisted that I ate something because I apparently "don't look so hot" (yep thanks) and there is literally no healthy food at my work I tried to be good and ordered a Cajun chicken sub on brown bread but then they put loads of bloody chips on it!!!! Crispy chips as well!!! They know I have a weakness for crispy chips!!! So it's pretty obvious that I ate some of the chips and now I'm really worried about Sunday when I weigh myself. Oh also my boyfriend is being a complete douchebag as well which makes me want to eat even more because I'm feeling down :-(
Weigh in day tomorrow.....getting very nervous now :-(
I've lost a measly half a pound!!!!! What the hell?!!!! I'm so frustrated!! :-(
Okay so I've lost 2lbs this week which I'm really happy about considering I've had 2 (yes that's right!) McDonald's this week lol!!
Two McDonald's?!!! OMG stop please...all the naughty momentarily satisfying foods I've successfully avoided for 14 weeks are suddenly calling me!! =) I MUST schedule a treat day, I think I need it but every weigh in I feel too motivated to stop lol. =D you still an at home weigher or going to join a group again (just caught up on your diary) :)
I'm still an at home weigher, I'm really broke at the moment so can't afford a group. I never usually eat that much McDonald's but they have that stupid monolopy thing on and I've nearly collected all the stickers to win a carribbean holiday so it's encouraging me to keep buying cream egg mcflurrys lol!!! It MUST STOP!
Yeah have a treat day!! My treat time is Sunday evening (after weigh in lol) xx
Yes, same here, Tuesday after weigh in feels a lil more flexible to use more syns! =D I had cheesecake last Thursday from a cafe - LUSH!

Group gets expensive!! I just bought the countdown so that I get 6 weeks for price of 5...I'm determined to he too target by September so I'm working extra hard just for that incentive of free group membership lol! :) £5 a week gets hard to stretch to
Oh my god laurenyop !!! I've just seen your before and after pics you look amazing!!! Well done!! X