Hi Amber, just read through all your diary to date and have been chuckling away to myself
Just to say well done on your own mini CD plan - to be able to stick to it 100% mon-fri is brill!! I know if I were to try monday would roll into tuesday and then to wednesday before i managed a perfect day back on ss - so a massive well done for having the obvious determiantion to do it that way chick!!
Hi Nathalie ( lovely name

Thanks for reading my entire diary and for chuckling...

) You poor thing, its now 5 pages back laughing.... I do appreciate your interest and support.
Also thank you for your support and comments, I do feel this 'mini CD' at present is working for me and your right, it is tough, Monday and Tuesday especially and before id have been the same and let one day role into another but ive changed, something has just clicked and im making slow but steady progress.
Im really worried after my next WI on Saturday as I wont be back on CD until Thursday 25th Feb as I am going to Italy.... which gives me 3 days SS till Sat WI of that week.... i guess ill just have to watch what type of food i eat in Italy, which is hard such nice food

As per previous post, im going to then do SS on CD for the month of March before i have a easter weekend girly break in Prague, ive a few birthdays in April so might to mini CD then too, but May, June, July will be SS until my one year wedding anniversary on 14th August and 2 weeks away in Egypt from end of July to celebrate.
Im aiming to be down.... 6 stone by then Fingers Crossed.
Thats the plan so far...
Well a little more... when im back from Egypt (after two weeks) ill go back on SS until Christmas and hopefully lose another 3-4 stone, which will bring me down to Goal.
Ramble over .. laughing.... if i keep this up ill have another 5 pages for you to read before the day is out....