Just read through the whole thread, your experiences in Egypt sound wonderful! this is definately something we intend to do in the near future. It was interesting to read that some peoples Grandad's were in Egypt during the war, my grandad too served there, he was in the airforce and has some great photos.
Lacey I was really interested to read that your Hubby was Rameses II in a past life
Were you joking
I'm a great believer in past lives and have had many past life regressions done. I have never lived a life of a historically famous person though, and all the ones I've discovered I've been a bloke, would account for me being a tomboy in this life I guess
I'm really interested in lots of ancient civilisations, their beliefs and ways of life etc. Another favourite of mine is the north american indians. The Incas being another, but Egyptology has to be a big favourite and it's wonderful that so much of their past remains intact for us to learn from.
One of my favourite pharoahs is Akhenaten, I think he fascinates me because of the way he tried to change religion, For years they had worshipped lots of gods, then he came along and declared that there was only the one god Aten.