and back to normality :)

hi sandra its lovely to have you looking at my ramblings i hope i didnt send you to sleep :)

re your hip op thats one of the things , well that and knees, which i do worry about but i have to say that lately the knees have stopped hurting like they used to so thats something at least. im 42 (43 in dec) so i reckon im just going to have to keep an eye on things down there lol

my mate who i mentioned in my other post, unfortunately he has had both knees replaced (he was running for years and at very long distances every week) and my other friend here at work, he had one knee replaced through playing rugby...i dont know, they recommend you exercise and look what can happen as you get older! lovely...

i bet you miss your running ...i really feel for you x

h x

It is a bugger! I only found out a couple of weeks ago that I'd been born with mildly disclocated hips as was my sister but they found out when she was 4 and pinned it when she was 5 and then she had a replacement at 35. I did actually see my doctor about pains in my hips when I was about 25, i was training for a marathon and had got up to 15 miles but just couldn't go any further without quite sever pain. My doctor just told me that I wasn't built for running, despite being about 9stone at the time, and not to run so far!! If he'd taken me seriously then and I'd had an x-Ray I'd probably have avoided the op until I was in my 70's like everyone else! As it is I get one done in December and the other in a year or so. The only good thing to come out of it is it has seriously motivated me to lose weight! The weight has only been caused cos I shattered my right leg falling off a boat in 2006 and had to have 18 pins and plates fitted. I couldn't run again but I managed to do a fair bit of exercise until this year when my hip started say that miss running is such an understatement and it enables you to eat what you like in my experience but you naturally make better choices so as to give your body the proper fuel to enable you to run.

You really are doing amazingly well considering your age and that you've never run before! I bet you tackle a marathon before long, if you can find the time to put in the training that is! X
It is a bugger! to say that miss running is such an understatement and it enables you to eat what you like in my experience but you naturally make better choices so as to give your body the proper fuel to enable you to run.

totally agree :)

You really are doing amazingly well considering your age and that you've never run before! I bet you tackle a marathon before long, if you can find the time to put in the training that is! X

thanks, i think!!! btw not interested in doing a marathon but i am in doing a half marathon

h x
Ah ladies great advice going on in here - love it.
I have heard about interval training and i think thats what i'll do once i have to hit the treadmill when its dark out as i can't run in the dark lol I've got 4 more weeks of bridge to 10k then i think i'll look at interval training to pick up my speed and try and get in atleast 1 run a week outside during the winter.

Its so daunting though. I'm trying to lose a bit of weight too and trying to complete this running programme. I just can't seem to find the balance between eating and running :( xx
Ah ladies great advice going on in here - love it.
I have heard about interval training and i think thats what i'll do once i have to hit the treadmill when its dark out as i can't run in the dark lol I've got 4 more weeks of bridge to 10k then i think i'll look at interval training to pick up my speed and try and get in atleast 1 run a week outside during the winter.

Its so daunting though. I'm trying to lose a bit of weight too and trying to complete this running programme. I just can't seem to find the balance between eating and running :( xx

the balance seems to come when your considering what foods to use as fuel for your run more than anything else. then you dont tend to pig out because you dont know what sort of effect itll have on you. this is something i came to discover out on longer what suits me, what doesnt..what makes my tummy upset, what makes me want to run to the loo pdq!!! (and it has happened once. thank god i was going past a golfclub thats all i can say).

you then work out through experience how soon after eating you can go for your run how long it should last for so then if your out after say an hour, can you last til you get home or if not, do you take something in it to get you over that 'flagging' bit where your totally out of energy but still want to keep going and DO NOT intend to give in!

oh the joys lol it does sort itself out soon learn and im still learning :)

h xx
What do you do food wise before a run, if you don't mind me asking?
Do you eat carbs the night before? Just before your run?

I usually just have eggs for breakfast with some ham then half hour later go for my run. I'm thinking maybe on the days before i run to eat some form of slow releasing carb like pasta then i'll sleep and get up have breakfast and see how that fairs up. It's so confusing aint it though! It's a little disheartening too. I never give up i always complete my run but i sometimes i do have a little extra 30sec-1min walk.
Tanya, I know that you're still trying to lose a bit of weight and that's why getting the balance of diet and exercise is so obviously like eggs so why not try having a couple of soft boiled eggs with wholemeal toast for breakfast before your run? That way you get a good dose of protein but also some carbs for fuel. When you've got the balance right you'll be able to run faster and longer and then the weight will take care of itself. You've already done so amazingly well and don't even bear any resemblance to the fatter you!
two weeks today!!!!! a short run today, all being well, then a day off tomoz.
i must stop buying chocolate for the family. thats all im saying lol

h xx
its the annual fair here today so gonna go take a look later after work. should be good though its the usual rubbish on sale as always is at these things..just like a market really only muchmuch bigger! its nice though to go cause you always see people you havent for ages and its good to catch up :)
out for a run after work today (just a short one). i took the dog for a mile walk this morning and will again at lunch time so im sure im gonna wear these feet out soon lol

food biscuits, no chocolate at all in the house..its that which is my downfall. for some reason since coming back from holiday ive found it hard to resist. only a few pounds on but thats not the pointx

h xx
no chocolate or biscuits for the past fews days, just normal healthy food and i feel much better for it :)

i ran 10 miles yesterday and with the help of glucose sucky sweets and some powerade which i thought id give a go, did it in just over 90 minutes so very pleased...all good except some cyclist went into me and bruised my hand, but thats another story!

h x
wow another 10miles!!! :) I envy you! Wish i could run that right now!!

Glad to hear your food is going good these past few days :) x
race is a week today....OMG! i had a short 2 miler today..the rest of the week is v short runs plus a bike ride mid week so nothing too knackering :)
food - ok today but got to start loading carbs now, about a week in advance (i know i htought that was a bit much too !) 60% carbs, 30% protein, 10% fat....or thereabout lols

h x
Good luck on your run, you sound very fit doing 10 milers, i'm going to try running slowly and carefully as I have a dodgy knee. I used to love running and my knee has been great since losing weight. Enjoy your carbo loading.
oh wow! 1 week to go!!!! How long is the run?
Carb loading for a week! :eek: :eek: lol x
Good luck on your run, you sound very fit doing 10 milers, i'm going to try running slowly and carefully as I have a dodgy knee. I used to love running and my knee has been great since losing weight. Enjoy your carbo loading.

not sure i am that fit but i suppose i must be fitter than when i started in april :) enjoying is not a word id use..i feel stuffed! lol
oh wow! 1 week to go!!!! How long is the run?
Carb loading for a week! :eek: :eek: lol x

the run is for 10 miles so i thought id better try and see if i could do it before i went and did it for real ..and yeah carb loading for a week..well im going on the recommendations of others who've done it long term so we shall it makes you feel full up all the time though..i dont like it much. its sunday btw..if you want a laugh take a look at channel 5 sunday morning 10.30 onwards..if you see a sweaty person dressed in yellow, blue n black thatll be me lol...theres only 23,499 other people to get me confused with !!!

h xx
been carb loading for a few days..i weighed myself today and ive gained..omg..but then thinking about it i suppose some of that is extra carbs? i dont know, i dont like seeing the scale going up though, its scary.

ive still got to lose a few pounds though so thought id set myself a target of doing it by christmas :)

h xx
Yep it will more than likely be cuz youre bodys not used to all the carbs but don't fret chick i'm sure all will be ok after your run :)
1hr 45mins..a slightly worse time but then it was a case of josteling for a place pretty much through the whole many people!!! so many bottles over the road, so many bl@@dy people pushing pushchairs across in front of you when your trying to run!!! all good fun though, think im going to lose a toenail and still feeling exhausted today but on the whole, a great day. its DEFINATELY very different running in a crowd then on your own..takes some getting used to --btw i lost 6 lbs lolol still the same this morning but i expect some of that will go back on its nice to see the scale dip down again though :)

h x

h xx
That's brilliant Harriet! whilst the crowds can help keep you going they're a pain in the ar8e when they're in your way!:(