Im ok thanks Debbie, trying to stay positive about everything, but its a bit hard with everything going on with my Charlie who is my babyShe is deteriorating and I tried adding in a new painkiller this week, but she just lost her legs, so stopped that straight away ! Vet advised increasing her Tramadol to the max amount and she is a lot more settled on that dosage now thank goodness. Looking after her is all consuming.....she had me up at 5.30 this morning.....and we're sleeping downstairs on an airbed cos she cant get up the stairs anymore and cries at the bottom of the stairs when we tried to go up without her
! We have a kingsize airbed luckily, cos once there's the 2 of us, the cat and occasionally Charlie, it can get a bit snug lol!
On the food front, I'm not doing too bad apart from the weekends when hubby gets home and then we 'treat' ourselves cos we've been 'good' all week ! I know it could lead to a slippery slope, but I'm not really in the right 'head space' at the moment, what with Charlie, my neck problems blah blah blah !
I seem to be averaging at 9 stone, which ideally is a few pounds heavier than I'd like to be, but I can put up with that at the moment. I think once Charlie goes over the 'rainbow bridge' I will be able to concentrate on me then, so until then I'll plod on as I am.
I know that I need to keep a food diary to stay focused and as you can see its gone a bit pear shaped !
I can still fit comfortably into my size 10's and I bought a pair of size 10 jeans recently that are a wee bit loose, so I dont think I'm doing too badly
Sorry Debbie I seem to have waffled on a bit there, but thats my lot at the mo......some good, some not so good
You seem to be maintaing very well and it will be the exercise doing that and I cant wait to be in that position where I can basically eat what I want.....healthily of course.....and balance it out with my cycling. You've obviously got a very good balance going on, so well done you x
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hugs Kim....when our dog went over the rainbow bridge it was sudden with no room for thinking so i can only imagine how you must feel. i always get upset 5 years on and completely sympathise with you guys. i wouldn't be worrying about food though it doesn't seem you are and quite rightly. its the least of your worries.
honestly try to stay positive but hear to listen when you need us x